silentscream Search

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Those rockin' good times

I met someone I have not heard from in the longest time on MSN this morning. I had always wondered what happened to her. After we graduated from TP, she seemed to have disappeared off the face of the earth. Last I heard a few months after graduation was that her mother had suffered from a stroke and that she had to take care of her.

Then this morning I saw her online on MSN. So being the social (aka nosy) butterfly that I am, I started a conversation with her. She is well and her mother's better. Funny that we have never saw each other in all this time before even though we lived not that far apart. It's not as though she stays in the Northern part of this island and I am stuck at the Eastern side.

I am really glad that we chatted and caught up. Perhaps one day we may even be able to meet up with the rest of the gang. :D

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