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Monday, July 17, 2006

And then they called me a B*tch

Many times I’ve stated that self-pity just does not become me. I am one woman who doesn’t do pity nor regrets. Most of the times, this statement fail me. I am too emotional by far.

Noxious and toxic thoughts bombard me once a day. Then I am crippled. I need time out. Time to sit quietly and try to suppress my demons. The ones who are always telling me the pitfalls of my life. Hah. I then have to sneak out like an evil-doer and sequester myself away from the rest. For I know hurt them I shall through my thoughtless words and careless ways.

Self-pity and/or regrets be damned. I seemed to be excellent in making foes than friends. But then again, what are friends anyway ?

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