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Monday, August 21, 2006

Fast Friends, Kiss out of Sheer Mischief ?

I've just finished another marathon reading session of Jill Mansell's. This book (first title of heading of post), if I'm not mistaken was her very first publication. It's long and flows like a Penny Vicenzi's but I loved it.

Hah. I'm biased anyways.

I was lucky the other day, having managed to snare 3 of JM's books from the Bedok shelves. I'm gonna be starting the 2nd of the 3 books tonight. Or maybe tomorrow morning ? We'll see. On top of that, I'm still saving that JM book I bought at the sale. Perfect Timing as they said has to be carefully planned and executed. Soon, my sweet. :D

Too excited to sleep but too bone weary to stay up all night to read. Plus, it's freaking hot ! I need a shower, otherwise I'd be tossing and turning in bed. And that is so not a pretty sight to be having at this time of the night ! Heh.

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