silentscream Search

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Crank up another notch ~ Fever

I'm so knackered ! This weekend had totally flew by in the blink of my eye. I didn't get to loll much in bed this morning. I am on a tight, tight deadline. Hah.

My fault ? Not exactly. Excuse me, but who else bring their work home to do during the weekend ? (R, H, among others ?) And who else stays back late after work almost everyday ? Okay, aside from R and Ian and Dins and Net and H and my BBS, okay ... Okay ... I know everyone at my work place stays later than usual.

Not normal ? Not really. Imagine this, me packing up to go home at 5 and some kind soul (bless her !) commented, "So soon ? How come so early ?" Haha. Right. (Only when I've got a blind date, babe.)

All right. I am sounding a tad bit mental now. Okay. Breathe.


So anyways, the Book Sale was okay. I wanted to rant about the Kiasu-ism trait of my fellow countrymen but A) I don't have the time and energy and B) it's all been ranted before. So there really is no point in making a fuss, yeah ? For 2 bucks for all English Fiction books.

Got me 4 books and managed to get Net a book too ! Heh. I got me a couple of Michael Connelly and a book each from Fiona Walker and drum rolls ... Jill Mansell ! Yay ! Although I am trying my very best to not touch the book until, well the next weekend ! Much as I try though, I can't resist reading Net's book and guess what ? Finished it last night ! Really. *shakes head*

So then. Until the next book sale. I am still searching for cheap TMOA. Anyone got any lobang ?

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