silentscream Search

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The One You Really Want

Exhaustion !

Phew, what a day !

I went to The Book Warehouse Sale at Singapore Expo. Initially I thought it would be some crummy sale but it turned out to be the collection from Times Bookshop. Fiction paperbacks were going for 4 - 6 bucks and the hardbacks were going for 7 - 10 bucks a piece. I went around hoping to find TMOA or even any JM or SB books but sad to say all the bestsellers were not the ones on sale. Although I still managed to part with 20 bucks for 5 books. I got a Meg Cabot and a Fiona Gibson. Looks good. R managed to get a couple of books for his pals too. All in all not that lousy an afternoon. Oh. And R was a good company, I must admit.

On the way home, I popped by Ayu's Sports Day a few blocks away. Quite an athelete that niece of mine. Her team won second place in the hula-hoop event. Yay, for the munchkin. Now she's got a trophy to rival my plaque ! Har-har ...

Finally, I went to Bedok library. To return the dued books and also to borrow loads more. I have the timing to get fun reads down pat. Saturday at around 1845-ish is the perfect time to be in the library. Any earlier or later will result in all the good books being loaned out. Trust me. Once is a coincidence, twice is definitely not !

Exhaustion !

Not just from the non stop activity of zipping about but also from the remnants of last evening's games session. I need to sleep ! However, I really, really want to start on my books ! I absolutely cannot wait.

Oh, for the record I managed to find another JM's book during my visit to BECL. That makes it a hundred percent track record of finding her books during my visits. Does it mean there is another soul who is just as crazy for her books as I am ? *thinks*

Right then. Another long-ish post. Before I leave this world into the fiction realm, let me just wish Fie:


I miss you loads, when can we hang out ? Soon, please !

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