silentscream Search

Monday, October 02, 2006

Due date: 23 October 2006

Lugging around 5 books and a set of 3 piece cookie jars are no mean feats. Especially when 2 of the books are hardbacked and that you have to change buses 3 times. It's a good thing that the whole journey home was fast. The four letter word that is something to hope for at this time of the month.

I am seriously mad. Or greedy. Which ever way you look at it, I have currently 12 books loaned by the generous National Library Board. Today when I went to post the mail, I popped by CCK with Mother and Y. When they went to have their lunch, I went the other way (up) to the smallish NLB branch. And boy, what a trip. I found 3 JM's and an SB books I have not read yet. The JM's are Nadia Knows Best, Falling For You and Good At Games and SB's is White Hot.

Alas ! I have maxed out my borrowal limit just 2 days ago. So I had to resort to something I have never done before outside the family. I simply had to borrow 'em books and so I asked Mother and Y if they could let me loan the books under their membership. Gasps ! Yeah, unthinkable. So anyways, to cut the whole begging scene short (it was really tiny. Minute even. :D), I am now half way through GAG.

I just had to stop and write. Thanks, Y. I promise not to cause undue late returns and subsequent fines. I'll pay if I should incur any, I promise. :D

Best get back to the books then, eh ?

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