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Friday, September 01, 2006

As time goes by

What else is new ? It's the start of the school holidays and I am in the office almost at the same time as during the Term.

"Why does she always do that ? Is she so hardworking ? Or is it because she's trying to put everyone down with her so-called punctuality ?"

Let me just be fair to everybody who is dying to know. I like to be in the office early. I guess I like the solitude of not being in the midst of all those daily chaos. It's perhaps a throwback of my lab days. Working in the labs by myself, alone but not lonely. I like the quiet, you might say. And so, I come in early to be by myself. Not just to impress my Bosses or sneer at others who have trouble with concept of punctuality.

I do have my bad moments. I am not perfect, you know. I do come in a little late sometimes and I feel a whole lot of guilt, even though I think it's not really justified. Well, rational thoughts don't figure when you just realised you missed the bus, no ?

And definitely a plus point in coming in early to work ? I don't have to jostle with the other people, who also happen start work at 9, on the public transport. No peak hour period to avoid, journey's a bliss. All of the one and a half of them to reach the office.

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