silentscream Search

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Isn't she lovely ?

Well, well ... Blogger had finally decided to allow me to post sometime tonight. I had been waiting for the page to load for 10 minutes at least. Horrid. *shakes head*

So anyways, I left my work place less than 2 hours ago. Make that an hour, twenty minutes ago. I was all tied up in completing my outstanding tasks to even bother to look at the clock. As always, I was the last one to leave the office. Seeing that I will be on leave tomorrow, I just had to burn my midnight oil so as not to delay my colleagues' tasks.

I am considerate like that. Silly, you may think. There I was stuck in the office for more that 12 hours just so I can take a full day off tomorrow.

Ahah .. ! You don't know. That if I had opted for a half day leave, I will be at work for the whole day.

Ah wells, the story of my life. :D

One plus point though, I will finally join the rest of my sisters and brothers in observing the holy month of Ramadhan. Auntie Rosie's visit had finally ended *YAY !*. Abstinence, major key word. No more coffee, ahhhh ... My one and only true love now. :)

Right then. I had better end this here. I am in the middle of composing an email to R with regards to some outstanding things for tomorrow. I have faith everything will go without a hitch.

Everybody now, generate the positive thinking.


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