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Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Life without you is gonna be bluer than blue

I was asked this question by a colleague last week. "Why do people start an online weblog?"

My first thought was that I'd started it with Fie and *ahems* as a means of keeping in touch with each other. Before long, I became the only one who regularly post and eventually I decided to keep my own.

And so the reason I keep on posting was for my own posterity. I really like the idea of having a say. Whether or not my weblog is popular, it is secondary. The main thing is that I get to go back in time and enjoy my own little space.

When I get lonely or in need of some ego boosting, I read my previous entries. They do crack me up and bring me back to that exact moment in time. As a proponent of self expression, I highly encourage those without to do start an online blog. Afterall, you should always do things that make you happy. Everyone else can go to pot. :D

But then again, I am one self indulgent lass. ;*

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