silentscream Search

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Good advice

Something I picked up while checking my email. Seems like good advice to me, especially these pointers below:

Don't Create a War Zone in Your Workplace

4. Taking credit for others' hard work
From time to time, one may need to work with several colleagues on any particular job or assignment. Should it happened that you were praised for a job well done, it would be good to share the glory with your team mates. If you make it look like you did it all on your own, your colleagues would probably avoid and dump you for good the next time you need their help.

5. Sharing dirty jokes
It's fine to tell a joke occasionally but not dirty jokes, especially to the opposite sex. It's not funny to find yourself accused of sexual discrimination by your colleagues one day.

6. Talking down to your colleagues
Even if you are a manager, do not talk down to your colleagues or subordinates. Your condescending attitude will cause them to resent you.

For more tips, please click the title link.

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