silentscream Search

Monday, December 18, 2006

Connected, at last !

I have been locked out from my internet connection for the past couple of days. I guess the reason being the fact that I am too darn nice. Or maybe I was just too silly to not log off after use last Thursday.

All in all, I am so very glad to be connected again.

Talking about connection, spoke to Sam on Saturday. I must admit, he did sound hot ! Hahaha ... You will never get me to reveal this anywhere else. Repeat this, and you will die ! Hahaha ... Yeah, Sam did sound hot (Jeez ! I've repeated twice !), which might have contributed that it was on speakerphone and voices are different on speakerphones. And that maybe I am a tad horny ! Haahaa ...

Talking about horny, well ... At work today, R asked if I was that. And because today is a bit of a madness day, I will admit. On that, I will end today's post and call him up. Hey, you need your outlet, no ?


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