silentscream Search

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Colour me red

I still remember the last thought I had before I woke up this morning. Thought because a) I can remember and b) I was almost up (snooze time). I recall that I had a heated exchange with Sha. She said she was pissed with me and I shouted back that I was pissed at her too !

This conversation was taking place in my mind at a very high volume. I guess my subconscious is telling me something I should heed. Or perhaps this is just something I'd conjured up for some kind of justification. I don't remember the exact details prior to this "shouting match" though.

Maybe I am just angry. This anger's happening to me almost too often these days. Was it because of an expectation too high or was it because I am just projecting something ?

Head shrinks, you tell me.

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