silentscream Search

Monday, September 18, 2006

Some people's destiny, passes by

My elder sister's staying over tonight with her brood. I reached home from work to a very nice warm welcome from the kids. Ayu opened the metal gate, Ahmad called out, "Nnaaa !", Yayah went, "Aun-ty Li-na !" and Abi just gave me a super wide grin. What a sight to come home to after a really trying first day of the week !

I really heart my nieces and nephew.

Not to be outdone, three of my kitties followed me wherever I went. When I popped into the kitchen for a bit, Kiki ran after me. When I went to my room, Ranbow ran ahead of me. And now, Bujang's rubbing his body against my leg as I am writing this. Hmmm ... All the male cats are after me. Quite the pheromones I'm releasing. Hahaha ... Quite the catch I am !

I heart my cats, all 5 of them.

It really is true then. Young kids and pets are really good antidote for life's stresses.


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