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Wednesday, December 28, 2005

All the Best

To my dearest friend from Primary School, Hamila.

Hamila will be celebrating her wedding day this coming Sunday, January 1st 2006. She's met the person she will be spending the rest of her life with, through good times and bad.

I wish her joyful beginning and happiness throughout their journey in life from now on.

Congratulations and Best Wishes. May you will always have wedded bliss together and for ever!

Monday, December 26, 2005


The Loyal Lover

You're a lover you can lean on. Loyal, with a heart of solid gold.

As opposed this, did almost a year ago.

The Hopeless Romantic

No matter where the rainbow goes, you'll be chasing it, with flowers, candy, and a song in your heart.

Or how about this ?

The Sexy Sexaholic

Pleasure without consequence, baby! Let the shag-a-thon begin!

Talk to me, Mister

I am not a contented camper. Nor am I discontented. I am just. Whaddya know ? Too many damn things have been happening to me and my life. Oh wait. There's a song by that turn of phrase. Sung by ? Hmmm .. Not too sure. Take a listen to Gold 90.5 FM. You might just hear the song playing.

I have not heard from so many people. People who are so-called active on my Messenger list. Maybe I should be the bigger person and say "Hello" first ? As always I've lamented. I'm always the one who intiated. Screw that, right ? Anyways, I am not in my self-destructive mode. Another 15 and 3/4 years before I croak. Goodbye cruel world. Yet another song.

My life is all about the songs. The moments spent in between are just empty spaces. Love me like the first song that captured your heart. Maybe one day I will be strong enough. Someday, baby, no one else can f**k up my life like I did. Hello darkness, my only friend. Simon and Garfunkel nailed it.

So to end my unworthy self, I planned that life should fluorish, if it means I can breathe my last breath. Until the light shines on me again.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

It's a girl !

My elder sister had just popped another young'un four days ago.

A girl.

Wonder what she'll name the kid. 4 kids and counting. With my sis and bro-in-law acting as a babymaking unit, my parents would not have to worry about carrying on the family line.

Oh, wait a minute.

We don't care about family lines !

Dipping ? More like splashing !

First of.

A thousand apologies for the lack of updates. Now, moving along.


So people, ask me what I did with the 13th month bonus.

Go ahead, ask away.

Not gonna ask ?

I'll tell you anyways.

I got a new TV ! Haha. My contribution for the year for the house. It certainly looked pretty.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

Bite me

No prizes for guessing the person who dislikes the so-called good day today. On the plus point, I get to read as much as I want to !

HelLie.: SIV, Ebola, We kill humans !!! :. says:
hello ...
HelLie.: SIV, Ebola, We kill humans !!! :. says:
not out ?
HAPPY DEEPAVALI & SELAMAT HARI RAYA!..Big doors move on small says:
hey hi.....later was ur hibernation?
HelLie.: SIV, Ebola, We kill humans !!! :. says:
quite good actually
HelLie.: SIV, Ebola, We kill humans !!! :. says:
just woke up ...
HelLie.: SIV, Ebola, We kill humans !!! :. says:
hehe ...
HAPPY DEEPAVALI & SELAMAT HARI RAYA!..Big doors move on small says:
hahaha...just like goldilocks
HelLie.: SIV, Ebola, We kill humans !!! :. says:
anymore inane conversation and I would have to slit my wrists after slitting my relatives' throats !
HelLie.: SIV, Ebola, We kill humans !!! :. says:
imagine that ... murder cum suicide on Hari Raya's day ... at Bedok ...
HelLie.: SIV, Ebola, We kill humans !!! :. says:
niceeeee ....
HAPPY DEEPAVALI & SELAMAT HARI RAYA!..Big doors move on small says:
aiyooo.more like deepavali drama mama show....

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Life is ...

... funny at times. Funny, weird and not funny haha kind. Never say I am not the adventurous type. Guess I cannot say no to smelling like barbequed meat in a space of three days. I was back to GS bazaar. With my mother in tow this time. Spending loads of cash and buying loads of meat. The cooked kind. Abysmally, I had thought the "alien family" would be around so Mom and I bought a number of foodies. The "A-F" decided not to make an appearance at all. All the more for me, no ? NO ! My dad, being the temperamental kind earlier today wanted to feed the "A-F". So Siti brought home the excesses. Again, never say I am not the generous type.

So it's just Mom, Dad and funny ol' me. This time, funny haha kind although some people might not be able to resist calling me the weird type. Ah, well. All those comments matter none to me. It just makes me the fun character to everyone. After all, who needs the drag when you can add colour to other people, eh ?

So there my GS bazaar part deux. Only this year, I can fondly remember as the year when I voluntarily stepped to join the throngs of the Malay community at the GS bazaar. Not once but two times.


Monday, October 31, 2005

My funny work week

The beginning of this week marked the welcome of two major religious festivals in Singapore. The Hindus and the Muslims will both be celebrating the Festival of Lights and Eidulfitri. Which also means that there are number of people who had decided to take the whole week off to go on an extended holiday. Case in point, R. He's gone back home. Ah ... How nice it is to work overseas. At least there is little chance to indulge in famicide. Ha.

So my calender for this week goes something like:

Monday: Work
Tuesday: Pub Hol
Wednesday: Work
Thursday: Pub Hol
Friday: Leave
Saturday: Open House


Friday, October 28, 2005

Geylang Serai bazaar

It all started so innocently. I was late getting off work again today. Jas was also working late so I figured, no harm in waiting for her and finish whatever outstanding work. So when it's time to go, I was all psyched up to go home. Have a good, refreshing bath. Rolling my head and shoulders, trying to work out the kinks after hunching over my desk filling up immigration forms, I wanted to just go home and chill. Watch a couple of movies or something.

Walked to the bus stop, chatting amiably to Jas. Took bus 170 and thought, goodie ... my connecting bus 23 will not cause any problems. Halfway through the journey, my big mouth accepted my foot by suggesting to Jas to go down to Geylang when I found out she'd been stood up. And so we decided to go Geylang Serai bazaar and that was when I promptly discovered I'd forgotten my mobile.

After changing to bus 51 at Bugis, we reached GS bazaar after 20 minutes. Whoa ! Hoardes and hoardes of people ! Did I forget to mention I am not so good in crowds ? There I was trying hard not to hyperventilate. Looking at the foodies on display. Walking with the crowds back to back. Paper bags, where art thou ?

Anyways, I managed the experience well. Coming out of the place smelling a little like the barbequed meat I'd bought. Quite the adventure I had, going to GS bazaar voluntarily ...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Not to blame

Finally I've been given a reprieve from fasting. You know what H said, "Bloody hel(l)!" and yes, I have to admit because after all, I am bleeding ! Hah. Corny, off colour office joke. I like that guy but at times, he can be so self destructive in his pursuits of "whackings" ! Again another insider joke. But let's move beyond that.

Jas and Mother are certainly happy ... They've been itching to swan around Clementi, Bukit Batok, Bukit Panjang and Choa Chu Kang on our usual lunch haunts when the food in the canteen drags us down. Again and again I tell them, no obvious lunch-dos ! After all I gotta respect Ramadhan !

We will plan something within this few days. Will keep ya'll updated !

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Make me another one to go

The great lengths people go to to get work done.

Guess where I was a couple of hours ago ? Work. I was not supposed to be in this Sat but guess what was waiting for me when I came back to work on Thursday ? More work. And there I was trying to get back to datelines and meetings and what do I need to do yesterday ? Mass mailing out ! The work with the mostest ! Having no mailing room, it's all like a one (wo)man's duties ! Thank God for nice work colleagues !

Anyways, I am off to bed. Yeap ... Lack of caffeine causes me to be the mostest grumpy and sleepy person. Toodles !

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Ah ... My word

Don't you just wish sometimes it's better to not face tomorrow ? At times I can be quite the pessimist and during those times I wish I was living the life of leisure. Leisure in not having to think who'd be bringing home the paycheck. Whether the amount will be sufficient, and if you can hang on until the next month when it all starts again. Don't we all wish that we were born with that proverbial silver spoon ?

Moments like that usually "attack" me when I'm doing the most mundane things. Like checking my email. My work email. Oh, it's my fault. I could have waited until tomorrow and plunge myself deep in the rigeurs of what we call looking after your rice bowl.

If you had not noticed, I was on leave to ensure I pass and complete my part time course which is beginning to be a drag. My social life is shot dead. My efforts half past. I am just exhausted ! I wish, I don't have to compete paper trail with anyone. Alas ! In a perfect world we don't and this sure ain't a perfect world.

I guess I am not just tired in studies, I am tired of work. Of particularly working in the same place for a sixth of my entirety. Don't you you just wish you can just give it all up ? Give up the creature comforts, the advancement of technology and just herd ? Travel from place to place trying to find people or creatures who may or may not be the same as you. Delightful thoughts I must say.

I have to go out and see the world. I must if I need to keep thoughts of "better be dead than alive" from springing everytime I ran out of my happy pills.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

I will pass ...

And I will pass well, dammit !

Yeah, I am going bonkers with exams again. A disappointment to not have gotten a good pass for my assignments. But I will try not to let them get me down. I have to pass ! I must ! To move on to another phase in my life. And my life has been a bit of downer at times but I will dust off the debris and not crumble like the weakened walls I can be.

Bless !

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


The holiest month in the Muslim calendar. When you do good, multiplication of the deed is by leaps and bounds. When Muslims all over the world trip all over themselves to salvage as much good deeds as possible. When the pain and suffering of the less fortunate is felt equally by our Muslim brothers and sisters.

Rejoice, for one of the five pillars of Islam (fasting) is only for Allah. And He is the one who will pay you as you place your faith in His greatness.


Wednesday, September 28, 2005

Money not enough

I am so broke even though I have just received my pay a few days ago. So many bills to settle, so many expenses to think of. The fact that I am most oft budgetless also adds on to the fact that my savings are slowly dwindling. And the house. Oh my, payment for the house, can absolutely kill ! Thank goodness, I don't see the money bleeding out much !

Onward and go forth !

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Replacement kitty


What can I say ? My household would not be complete with just four cats around. A new addition to the family has arrived. And no, I'm not talking about my sis' new kid. Ayu had found a kitten she found likeable enough to bring home to my place. A cutie to boot !

He looked like Bujang, with super soft fur and cute tiny teeth. Blue irises, with longish tail. Ayu decided to name him Cat Ayu, since she was the one who found him. Mother called him Kiko and Dad's calling him Laklak. Me ? I decided to call him Kayu !

Lovely little munchkin, he sure is !

Friday, September 09, 2005

Happy Birthday!

Hey Fie.

I wish I could be there to see you smile.
When I wish you a great, fun-filled birthday.
I hoped you will remember me.
As you turn 2 dozen more years!

Your friend,

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

I'm so sorry Rico ...

My cat died. He was only 2 years old and yet he suffered from kidney failure. I wept for his short existence, I wept for my foolishness. He was a dear, dear creature. In life I love you and so in death I continue to.

Forgive me.

Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Kind thoughts ...

Morning has come in a Special Way

May you smile like the sunny rays

And leave your worries far, far away

Good Morning!

Monday, August 22, 2005

Happy², Joy²

My CDs came. Yay ! Perfect condition. Lovely pipes that Dusty has. I love my buys !

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Wild night (I only wish ...)

I attended the school's Grad Ball last evening. Did I bother to get dressy ? Yeah on a certain level I did. I wore my prettiest pair of pants. I put on a little bit of eyeliner, adding a dash of purple (?!?) lipstick, fixed a gorgeous mother of pearl choker and had a nice pair of dangly earrings on. I believed I looked quite fetching but boy ...

The kids were pretty much way .... out of my league. Well, since it was their night anyways, no harm in them looking different out of their checkered uniform!

The whole event was interesting. No bawdy jokes but plenty of weird table games. You could say I had a pretty good time there.

Ended the evening with brownie and ice cream with Jas and Mr G at Cineleisure. Actually we wanted to catch "The Maid" but ... the next show was only shown after 3 am. No way, jose ! My Ma will skin me alive if I reached home after 3 am !

Haha ... I am gonna it the sack now. Night all !

Thursday, August 18, 2005

I'm lucky, no ?

Babe! You just won a grad ball ticket from the lucky draw! From: Eswari SFMS 8:22 18-AUG-05

Who wanna tag ?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

3 CDs for £ 10

Guess what happens when I reached home early from work and had nothing else to do except to surf the internet ?

Online shopping of course !

So I bought Dusty Springfield, The Mamas & Papas and Frank Sinatra.

I can't wait for them to arrive to listen to the tunes !

Monday, August 15, 2005

Words of wisdom ...

Friendship is made in the heart,



Unbreakable by distance.

Unchangeable by time.

Once a friend, always will remain one.

Friday, August 12, 2005

Hit the road, Jack

I have so much things to clear. I have plenty of backlogged assignments and my course assignment is due this coming Monday. I am planning to spend a good part of my weekend burning the midnight oil to get it completed on time and not have any more marks deducted for late submission. I thought I could have it done by Wednesday but knowing procrastinating ways, I am prone to leave everything to the very last minute. Haha. Kind of how I live my life.

Babe, could you please come over tomorrow night to keep me company ? At the very least, sign in to MSN. I need all the cheering I can get for my foolishness. So.

I hope no "I-told-you-so"s.

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Oddity is a state of mind

I always thought I'd lucked out. I have some of the brains and none of the beauty. I have the gift of the gab but never the wisdom in keeping it shut. I have love in my heart and had the cheek to bestow it on some undeserving people. I have the instinct but lack the knowledge to prosecute with caution.

My mother loves me. So does my silly cats (I think and I hope so !). I dissed people but bent over backwards to play nice too. I try to be a clown but end up a klutz.

Does it matter that I even tried ? Because where I am seated, nobody gives a shit anyways.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

The Eye color personality test

You chose brown eyes.

Brown eyed people are normally very romantic. You love to daydream, and sometimes you get confused with your own fantasies over reality.
You are pretty outgoing, but some days, all you want to be, is alone, reading, or thinking by yourself. You have many talents, and you will probably have a very important job when you're older.

The Eye color personality test
brought to you by Quizilla

Question: How much older should I get ?

Friday, August 05, 2005

Thai food

is my new love. The chilli was just wonderful. Had way too much of it, though. I'm so gonna be suffering from gas this coming weekend!

Dinner with Jas had become quite the norm. I guess it's no surprise we clicked so well. We are quite the opposites of each other. Hah. And she's like the elder sis I never had. Naah ... I still like my real big sistah!


Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Notice this

I really must stop fagging. It's just that my gums are starting to collect deposits of tar. Yeech !

Monday, August 01, 2005

ISO audit

So it was not too bad after all. I had thought I would be so redundant there in the Conference Room while everyone is having a chat over the procedures penned down. Not too bad for a greenhorn. I managed to maintain my composure and put faith in my crossed fingers.

Auditor's a bit of a cutie too (Babe, sorry, you know I DO have a thing for nerdy type of guys) but he's married with kids. As I've always mentioned, married men are the best, no ?

Lunch was at Sanur Indonesian Restaurant. My first ever dine in there. So what do I think ? Not really as good as I thought it'd be considering its exorbitant pricing. Although the grilled chicken was kinda nice. Spices was just right for it. Other than that dish, there was nothing to crow about.

Sunday, July 31, 2005

What Do People Truly See You As?


People view you as a Loner Artist.

Loner Artist are exactly as their title says, loners and artist. Now you are not alone by choice but many people find you odd. This only bothers you when you're in a public place like a dance club or a crowded lunchroom so you tend to steer clear of those places. You might have a friend or two but they're either Loner Artists like you or Truly Dark. Fear not! So many artists are not appreciated in their own times!

What Do People Truly See You As? (lots of outcomes and stunning pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Clearing the air

The best kind of high is usually when you get pardon for some misunderstanding that had occurred as a result of you jumping to conclusions.

I had finally spoken at length with E. She had never wanted to release the QMS to anyone. Not to JS and certainly not to me. Call her selfish but would you want to let go of the documents that make you quite the powerful figure in the organisation ? No, would be your answer, no ?

When I'm wrong, I'll admit I'm wrong. And yeah, in this instance I am partly wrong. Well, my only defense is ignorance.

So let us close this chapter and move on from here.

Tuesday, July 26, 2005

BBC Pride & Prejudice

Did I tell you this ?

I've finally gotten my paws on the VCD. You know the one I'd been aiming to get the minute I found out it had been released. That many years ago that I watched on TV 12 and caught all 6 epsiodes without fail. The reason I love the Colin Firth so (Sorry babe, you know my secret obsession with Mr Darcy ? Well, it was attributed to the potrayal by CF !) ? The reason that Fie got me the book and the book had been read like kabazillion times.

I watched it and remember how I love the Brit accent so. Hah ! So bear with me if I do indeed speak with a slight accent this few days. Just reminiscing the days when speaking with a slight upturned nose in the air is quite the norm !

Monday, July 25, 2005

Supreme by Robbie Williams

Oh it seemed forever stopped today
All the lonely hearts in London
Caught a plane and flew away
And all the best women are married
All the handsome men are gay
You feel deprived

Yeah are you questioning your size?
Is there a tumour in your humour,
Are there bags under your eyes?
Do you leave dents where you sit,
Are you getting on a bit?
Will you survive
You must survive

When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme

Oh what are you really looking for?
Another partner in your life to
abuse and to adore?
Is it lovey dovey stuff,
Do you need a bit of rough?
Get on your knees

Yeah turn down the love songs that you hear
'Cause you can't avoid the sentiment
That echoes in your ear
Saying love will stop the pain
Saying love will kill the fear
Do you believe
You must believe
When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme

I spy with my little eye
Something beginning with (ah)
Got my back up
And now she's screaming
So I've got to turn the track up
Sit back and watch the royalties stack up
I know this girl she likes to switch teams
And I'm a fiend but I'm living for a love supreme

When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme

Come and live a love supreme
Don't let it get you down
Everybody lives for love


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Some friend, huh ?

Correct me if I am wrong. I apologise if I see this the wrong way and hence jump into conclusions. However, the way I see it, it's just too coincidental that I'd been "arrowed".

As you know, my work place managed to get another accreditation under our belt. Hence, because of the teamwork done by the Security Forum, my Big Boss decided to place the Quality Manual aka ISO 9001 under the care of the ISMS people. H was okay with it because after all, the BS7799 was much more complex as compared to the ISO 9001. As such, the ISO survillance audit is coming on August 1st. So Boss said that after the survillance audit is complete, work on the Quality Manual will be solely placed under the same team of ISMS Manual (you following me so far ?).

So anyways, I told E during lunch that Boss decided to place the QMS under the Security Forum's charge, little knowing the importance of the information.

So after lunch, I was merrily doing my work when Boss called me to have a "mini-conference" with E. He said that since we are handling the QMS, I would have to be present at the ISO audit. My jaw literally dropped. Why ? Because yesterday when Boss made the announcement to have the SF people handle the QM, it was under the knowledge to do so after the audit. Boss even said that the audit would be handled by himself and E. Well, damn me ! I got arrowed didn't I ?

Tell me it does not smell fishy. Thanks to H, my fishy nose went on high alert. Please tell me it's just a rare occurrence. H even told me that during the lunch he had with Boss, Boss was still in the frame of mind that we SF people handle the QM after the audit. Tell me then why the story changes after lunch and after E found out that I'd been placed in charge of the QM.

I felt I had been stabbed between my shoulder blades. I thought she was a friend. I treated her like a friend when I confided in the info knowing full well that Boss had not told her yet. Maybe I am just daft. To place my trust in people so blindly.

Seriously, if I am wrong in my observation, I beg a thousand pardons. I will be more than happy to be wrong in this instance. But neat and convenient circumstances do not happen without some kind of clever orchestrating.

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Breathe out ....

I'm in a high place now. We made it ! We got the BS7799 accreditation ! The first school in Singapore to go for it and clinch it ! All the late nights spent at work paid off. Thank you all. The Boss for giving me a chance to be in the committee. It's kind of cool but the additional work and responsibilities is all part of the cool deal ! Haha ...

Hey people, we ensure safety in the transmission of information and data ! Yay, for SFMS !

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Breathe in ...

So far so good. It's lunch time and the Boss had taken the auditors out for lunch. We'll probably start the next session well. Well, let's hope so. The morning one was not too bad. Just some presentation slides and some clarification of the Internal Audit findings. *crossing fingers*

Guess I'd better go through the ISMS Manual again.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Audit day

Tomorrow's the day. I kind of have this insane fear that one of us will screw up. Even if we don't, the auditors might just hate one of us and not pass us. Yeah, insane is the word. I am still stuck at work. Going over the documents once again. Arrgghhh ....

Wednesday, July 13, 2005


I put on a happy face everytime I think I might get any kind of sympathies. Even when I found out I flunked the Drug Discovery module I laughed. Am I a nutter? My colleagues were very sympathetic, but I just brushed off this failure and tried to chin up. Am I carefree?

Somedays are just plain fucked up and other days are relatively sane. I want to laugh and cry at the same breath but I cannot decide which is of the utmost importance. This weird feeling I have inside? To constantly and consistently cheer people up, is not healthy.


For 2 days in a row I felt like fagging. Am I stressed out?

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Spring, sprung, springing ...

I cleaned up my room, finally! All the rubbish on its way out and all the precious items kept safely out of sight.

Hey, look at that shiny surface. My room floor!

What I basically did was to shift my old PC to the living room, moved my TV set 90 degrees to the left, wheeled my "new" desktop 90 degrees to the right and lo' behold! Yoga space created! So now I will sit and contemplate (veg!) my week ahead ....

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

10 different ways I love you

I thought I could live without you. I was wrong because you showed me the wondrous drug called life. I cannot contain my pleasure every time I look at you. You smiled at me and a thousand things pop inside my head to keep that smile on your face always. I want to jump your bones like there is no tomorrow every time you whisper my name. I love you babe. In so many ways but these 10 amazing and gorgeous you, are what make me really appreciate your love.

1) You make me feel nice

2) You allow me to be naughty

3) You cherish your mom

4) You adore my little imps (all 5 of 'em!)

5) You understand my idiosyncrasies

6) You take care of your grooming

7) You kiss so sweetly

8) You listen without judgment

9) You make amazing tuna sandwiches

10) You LOVE me.

And guess what? I LOVE you back. Heart and soul, I do.


Saturday, July 02, 2005

My favourite song of the moment !

Artist: Chris Isaak Lyrics
Song: Besame Mucho Lyrics

Besame besame mucho
Each time I cling to your kiss I hear music divine
Besame besame mucho
Hold me my darling and say that you'll always be mine

This joy is something new my arms enfolding you, never knew this thrill before
Whoever thought I'd be holding you close to me whispering to you I adore
Dearest one if you should leave me
Each little dream would take wings and my life would be through
So besame besame mucho
Love me forever and make all my dreams come true

Dearest one if you should leave me
Each little dream would take wings and my life would be through
So besame besame mucho
Love me forever and make all my dreams come true

Wednesday, June 29, 2005


I need recovery time. I need a breather. I am so bushed.

Although the shuffle did help to alleviate some of the depressing moments. I need more songs.

Notice how I am writing fluff pieces. Haha. I wore a skirt yesterday. Admittedly it was a long skirt so technically it is not much different from my baju kurung's bottoms. Though I must admit also, the material's kinda velvety ...

And I can't help it but touch myself, now and then!



Saturday, June 25, 2005

I have an MP3 player ....

I know, old news but still ....

I finally laid my precious paws on the ipod shuffle!

Time to save up for that Creative Zen ...


Wednesday, June 22, 2005

BS = British Standard or ... ?

I am going nuts with the BS7799 project. Policies, guidelines and procedures ... Argghhh ... I am going mad! *tears out hair*

B L O O D Y O U C H !!!

At this point in time, I look like a sick cousin from the ugly side of the panda family. Oh mans, another 2 days before the pre-audit! All those work, please make them valid!

P/S: Apologies for not writing for so long!

Monday, June 13, 2005


The time of the term hath come. I think I will crash and bleed out. First I was accused of under referencing now I am going to totally wreck my record. The last day of my leave. I thought I could heave a sigh of relief, sadly mistaken.

Had dinner with Kav and Sam. Same old Sam.

I am stoning. Night birdies.

Friday, June 10, 2005

Jumpin' jacks

Create a situation where you think you can be the master of your own universe. Then put distrust and an egomaniac. You are now serving the other master of the universe.

Thursday, June 09, 2005


The ex-hubby's coming back today. In fact as I am writing this, his plane had already touched down and he's probably on his way home. Hey, dear, give a shout out once you settled in. We can hang out after my exams.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

Crumpets and ... stuff ...

Take it as a gift,
Feel it like the love,
Share it with joy,
And keep your heart.


Monday, May 30, 2005

Spend, spend, spend

I have the moolah to spend so what's a girl to do ?

Yup, I am spending it like there is no tomorrow ! My poor bank account is feeling the pinch. Hahaha ... Though I am doing a bit of saving up. Gonna get me an MP3 player. Creative had a warehouse sale the past 3 days in celebration of the GSS.

For the uninitiated, the GSS is the Great Singapore Sale, usually rearing its head during the June school hols. Everything from air tickets to electronic gadgets to clothings have their prices slashed sometimes up to 70% off. Now is the time to get that watch for a good friend (Yes, Sha. I read your wishlist.) or that dream Creative Zen (20GB) for only S$299.

Alas ! For me, it is still possible to get that watch for my buddy (I hear 'ya, babes !) but not possible for the Zen. That particular star promotion is only for yesterday and was completely sold out by 11.30 am (even though the official opening hours is 10.30 am).

I am not worried though because the PC Show 2005 will be here in less than 3 days time ! YAY !!! More bargain hunting !

Sunday, May 29, 2005

The biggest decision I ever made

I realised what a momentous event it was the day after. That I am now officially an adult and I can make decisions that can rock the world. My world at least. If everything turns out well, I will start paying housing loan come August. All right, so I will pay using my CPF but you guys see the main issue here ? I am gonna be a flat owner. Major step.

And the first thing I did once the papers have been signed was to get myself a box of colour pencils. And then I did the adult thing by going to work to help Heman finish the some of the documentation needed for the BS 7799 project. Which then caused me to turn back time by going to a movie marathon with Elaine. I had not done a back to back movie session since my early poly days and I have not reached home at 2 am since that year I turned 21. And that was when a teacher colleague held her after wedding party at Bar None.

Saturday indeed had been such a ride for me.

Friday, May 27, 2005


Guess what ? I found out that that cow M is married ! And a lazy married cow she is ! And how did I find out ? Well, let me tell you a story of human nature.

Homo sapiens the scientific name for man has a folly. The biggest one of all. The intellect to talk and communicate with fellow Homo sapiens and the stupidity in not knowing when to shut that big, fat gob. It's an affliction that had caused numerous pain and suffering. The experts coined this term, "necessary evil" and it totally applies to this particular action.

So last night I was sitting quietly in class, all my kakis absent for some reason, when my excellent hearing picked up this irritating buzzing sounds. Oh, guess where it came from.

Come on, give it a go. Yes.

That cow, M. Bzzzz ... Bzzzz ... She went.

At first I ignored her but the sounds got louder and I picked up on what she was going on and on about. Then she revealed "my husband always picked up and wash the dishes for me".


Yes, I hear 'ya. And I thought, "Stupid, silly cow!" The number one rule in married life is not to reveal any unsightly bulges. Then followed by that linen. Never, ever reveal anything negative about yourself in front of people who dislikes you. So I repeated, "Stupid, silly cow!" in my head. Disgusted I tuned off her bzzzzz-ing and stared into space.

What I really wanted to say is that, if irritating, silly cows have someone to f*** them at night, there is hope for us, normal people. Be strong.



*soft cries in the background* Nobody wants me .... I am sad, deluded fool ...

Thursday, May 26, 2005


I am bored. I need a little action in my life. I know I have “complained” on how beige my life is. To a certain extent I am not sure I want more excitement. Also I cannot count on the fact that sometimes the little surprises overwhelms me.


Please God, I just want to be happy.


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Monday, May 23, 2005


I did something I have not done in so many years. I went into an IRC chatroom and flirted. I can't believe the words that came to my mind as I was typing to all the "guys". Assuming they are all guys in the first place. I even exchanged photos. I know, I know. Bad move, huh ? Well, at least I did not exchange IM with anyone. That would have been very scaree !

Ding .... Ding ... Gotta complete my assignment dued last Friday.

Friday, May 20, 2005


The rooster in me wants to roost. To have a nice home and loving people surrounding me. No, correction. Lovely people. Hahaha.

I am not making much sense am I ? Exhaustion, is my excuse. I missed class last night and I am missing another one right now. I look forward to the long weekend. Thank gawd.

The retreat was great. I bowled pretty well too. And E didn't snore. Although I was still short of sleep. Finally could close my eyes only after 2 am this morning. I am paying the price now.

I got my Da Vinci Code book back. After one bloody year ! So anyways, it's gonna leave my hands soon. Now I need to just get back my Five People You Meet in Heaven and I can totally sever any kind of ties with 'em. Yeech.

I can't wait ! *yawns*

I am going to hit the sack now. Night owls !

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Staff Retreat

I'll be out tomorrow afternoon to Sofitel for my Staff Retreat. I am kinda excited over it. We'd be leaving work at 2 pm. Hopefully to reach JB by 4. I will be bunking in with E. Hope she doesn't snore. Hahaha.

I am so gonna miss my smelly pillow. Talk more when I get back.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

De-tox part deux


Okay. I've been doing this de-tox session with Jas and Mother. Yesterday, being the first day was horrid. Not only do I have to go to class, the hunger pangs kept me awake half the night. I can only down water or green tea aside from my maple syrup, lemon drink. And I tell you, into the second day, it was worth it. My urine's almost colourless now. Kinda cool, me thinks !

Just another day to keep to this de-tox thing and then I am home free. I know I can do it !

Urmm ... Now I must think what to say for my so called presentation of myself for the retreat this coming Thurs. Guys, what analogy should I figure myself to ?

*blink* *blink* *blink*


Guess what I had for my meals for yesterday and today ? Then take a guess for tomorrow too.

Maple syrup with lemon juice. All 3 litres of it for each day. Bladder's kina bursting now.


Sunday, May 15, 2005

FW: Wedding

Hot damn ! This sure is one hilarious correspondence. I just have to make it known.

Oh, and
C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S on your upcoming nuptials !

"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

From: "Samuel Gan"
Subject: Wedding
Date: Sat, 14 May 2005 22:28:49 +0100

You caught me on the day when I was out at Cardiff. Anyway, here is the invitation

You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of Sam and K somewhere between Mid-June to Mid August 2005. It will not be a big affair and will take place at McDonalds Parkway or maybe the Parkway Hawker Center, guests are encourage to pay for themselves, but are reminded from the movie "Supersize Me" that McDonalds is not healthy. They are also reminded that no responsibility will be taken for the food especially if the guests choose to eat at a Hawker rating less than A.

3 days after the wedding, you are invited to the HDB application ceremony followed by the UK PR status application 3 days later.

You are also cordially invited to the divorce ceremony about 1 year later when the HDB and PR status is successful. Divorce is likely to be on grounds of long distance separation.

A pre-nuptial agreement on the groom's rights and contribution to the HDB is forfeited will also be done at the wedding.

This email will self-destruct in 5 seconds.

Future Groom to be

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

What a day

Wheeeeew ....

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Mommy's Day

Genuinity or a farce ?

All I know is that my mom makes the best curry in the whole wide world !

Love you.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

An open letter to Daddy

My daddy turned 55 today. How great is that ? And he showed it the best way he knew how. By giving his kids money and a lunch treat. Thank you, daddy ! I love you almost as much as mommy.


Thursday, May 05, 2005

When the time comes, everyone has to step on it

And suck it up of course.

Anyways, I cabut class tonight. I left during the 15 minutes break. Dr Ong was covering DNA and DNA replication today. The session before the break was about the DNA, just basic stuff. And then I flipped through the DNA replication bit, oh boy ! I knew I was in for the long haul. So decided to skip class, together with Celeste.

Okay enough about school. I was just reading Rachel Gibson's book titled See Jane Score, the other day. And the main protangonist has the most exciting life ever (even for a fictional character !)! She works as a sports reporter by day, covering the state's ice hockey team and by night, she writes for an adult magazine. Then she sorta developed a crush on the goalie of the team. He in turn was described to have a horse shoe tattoo on his lower abdomen. So when he is just wearing a towel, three quarters of the tattoo is seen with the remaining left up to your own imagination. How droolsome, yeah ?

But, maybe it's just me. I'm rattling on now. Gotta grab something to eat.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Happy Birthday Mother !

I love you so much. I wish you less suffering and more enjoyment as you go forth. I will absolutely die without your presence in my life. With the grace of Allah.

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Another hole.

Ear hole that is. Another piercing that is. It was a good day today. No work even though it's the start of the proper work week. There was the annual Speech and Thanksgiving Day. Followed by a movie session sponsor by the Big Bosses. An inspirational movie, Coach Carter. It was not bad. The soundtrack kicked some ass, baby !

Then I had another earhole pierced. So now, I have officially 4 piercings ! Three on my left lobe and just one on my right. If I could get away with more piercings over the years I would have !

Now I just gotta remember to avoid lying on my left side. How am I supposed to watch TV then ? Talking about TV, the latest season of Alias is on tonight ! That show kicks ass !

Sunday, May 01, 2005

The weekend we were waiting for

To all, have a great short, long weekend !

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Come Undone

When you find the thing that bugs you the most, what do you do ? Do you squash it like the bug it is or do you nurture the resentment and feed it with evil thoughts of revenge ? I opt for the second one.

Don't mess with me because I am not a lean, mean bug squashing machine. Don't mess with me because somehow, someday, somewhere you might trip over your lies and I will be there to catch you and make the rest of your life a living hell. I can and I will. Just remember, be nice to the plain ones because they are the ones who will make you regret your nastiness.

Beware and considered yourself warned.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

FW: Happy Bdae

A birthday wish from Samuel.

Thanks dear !

"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

From: "Samuel Gan" <>
To: <>
Subject: Happy Bdae
Date: Wed, 27 Apr 2005 11:12:04 +0100

Happy Bdae

Birthday luck from you for my exams on Friday please...

And as a birthday treat


Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Big W(h)inners

I had just read Sam's last two web journal entries. One of them had him dissing on people who whine and scream, "NO CHOICE!". He raised some points about getting out of your own comfort zone to look at other pastures instead of screaming, "LIFE IS TOO FU*KING DIFFICULT!" all the time. Take the plunge once in a while. Chance on chance itself. Understand that in order to get something you desire, there is some other things you would have to sacrifice. Tough, but such is LIFE.

So what then should all these nutters do ? Just bear and grin it if you find that you do not want to change your lifestyle. Stop all the bloody complains !

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Heaven at my feet

I guess this post is a little long. I put this up because I figured it made sense and would like to share with you guys.

QUESTION : Female-Led Prayers: A Step Forward for Women? On March 18, 2005 Amina Wadud led the first female-led Jumu`ah Prayer. On that day, women took a huge step towards being more like men. But, did we come closer to actualizing our God-given liberation?

ANSWER : (This answer was kindly provided by Sister Yasmin Mogahed, a member of Ask About Islam Editorial Staff. Yasmin is an Egyptian-American journalist based in Wisconsin, USA. She is currently studying for a Master's degree in Journalism)

What we so often forget is that God has honored women by giving them value in relation to God-not in relation to men. But as Western feminism erases God from the scene, there is no standard left but men. As a result, the Western feminist is forced to find her value in relation to a man. And in so doing, she has accepted a faulty assumption. She has accepted that man is the standard, and thus a woman can never be a full human being until she becomes just like a man-the standard. When a man cut his hair short, she wanted to cut her hair short. When a man joined the army, she wanted to join the army, and so on. She wanted these things for no other reason than because the "standard" had it. What she didn't recognize was that God dignifies both men and women in their distinctiveness, not their sameness. And on March 18, Muslim women made the very same mistake.

For 1,400 years, there has been a consensus of scholars that men are to lead Prayer. As a Muslim woman, why does this matter? The one who leads Prayer is not spiritually superior in any way. Something is not better just because a man does it. And leading Prayer is not better just because it is leading.Had it been the role of women or had it been more divine, why wouldn't the Prophet have asked Lady `A'ishah or Lady Khadijah, or Lady Fatimah-the greatest women of all time-to lead? These women were promised heaven and yet they never led Prayer.

But now, for the first time in 1,400 years, we look at a man leading Prayer and we think, "That's not fair." We think so, although God has given no special privilege to the one who leads. The imam is no higher in the eyes of God than the one who prays behind. On the other hand, only a woman can be a mother. And the Creator has given special privilege to a mother. The Prophet taught us that heaven lies at the feet of mothers. But no matter what a man does, he can never be a mother. So why is that not unfair?

When asked who is most deserving of our kind treatment? The Prophet replied your mother" three times before saying "your father" only once. Isn't that sexist? No matter what a man does, he will never be able to have the status of a mother. And yet even when God honors us with something uniquely feminine, we are too busy trying to find our worth in reference to men, to value it or even notice it. We too have accepted men as the standard; so anything uniquely feminine is, by definition, inferior. Being sensitive is an insult, becoming a mother is a degradation. In the battle between stoic rationality considered masculine) and selfless compassion (considered feminine), rationality reigns supreme.

As soon as we accept that everything a man has and does is better, all that follows is just a knee jerk reaction: if men have it, we want it too. If men pray in the front rows, we assume this is better, so we want to pray in the front rows too. If men lead Prayer, we assume the imam is closer to God, so we want to lead Prayer too. Somewhere along the line, we've accepted the notion that having a position of worldly leadership is some indication of one's position with God. A Muslim woman does not need to degrade herself in this way. She has God as a standard. She has God to give her value; she doesn't need a man here. In fact, in our crusade to follow men, we, as women, never even stopped to examine the possibility that what we have is better for us. In some cases, we even gave up what was higher only to be like men.

Fifty years ago, we saw men leaving the home to work in factories. We were mothers. And yet, we saw men doing it, so we wanted to do it too. Somehow, we considered it women's liberation to abandon the raising of another human being in order to work on a machine. We accepted that working in a factory was superior to raising the foundation of society-just because a man did it.Then after working, we were expected to be superhuman-the perfect mother,the perfect wife, the perfect homemaker, and have the perfect career. And while there is nothing wrong, by definition, with a woman having a career, we soon came to realize what we had sacrificed by blindly mimicking men. We watched as our children became strangers, and soon recognized the privilege we'd given up.

And so only now-given the choice-women in the West are choosing to stay home to raise their children. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, only 31 percent o f mothers with babies, and 18 percent of mothers with two or more children, are working fulltime. And of those working mothers, a survey conducted by Parenting Magazine in 2000, found that 93 percent of them say they would rather be home with their kids, but are compelled to work due to "financial obligations." These "obligations" are imposed on women by the gender sameness of the modern West and removed from women by the gender distinctiveness of Islam.

It took women in the West almost a century of experimentation to realize a privilege given to Muslim women 1,400 years ago. Given my privilege as a woman, I only degrade myself by trying to be something I'm not, and in all honesty, don't want to be-a man. As women, we will never reach true liberation until we stop trying to mimic men and value the beauty in our own God
given distinctiveness.

If given a choice between stoic justice and compassion, I choose compassion. And if given a choice between worldly leadership and heaven at my feet, I choose heaven.

"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Where do broken hearts go?

I told myself I am overdramatising again. I told myself to breathe. I told myself that she's always been like that. I told myself I wouldn't be hurt by the snub. I told myself I better shut my trap before I land my smelly feet in. I told myself so many things but I still refuse to listen to all the warnings. I am not being schizophrenic or a brick short of a wall. It's just that I cannot ignore the fact that sometimes people just do not want my big, fat face in their affairs. Who am I, the loserliest of the crowd from school. The underachiever, who is contented with her lot in life, never demanding more, the one who gets stepped on, the wallflower.

Maybe I should not have clicked onto her link. Maybe I should have just ignored that niggling feeling I had, that after a year and half of inactivity in our shared blog, it's really a fluke that she should post a photo a month back. Just as curiosity killed the cat, my curiosity killed whatever cordial feelings I had towards her. Hey woman, if you read this post, I want my Da Vinci's Code back. Just return my book and we'll be even stevens. I don't demand and then you don't have to give.

Fie and I actually bothered to meet up and our friend kept cancelling on us. Ahhhh ... People say, the throes of new love. That power eliminates even the best of friends. Maybe I just expect a little too much of the people around me. Everytime they don't deliver, I feel so let down. Remember the mess with Fie ? So now I have yet another mess. Psychotic, huh ?

Prevent a chocolate milkshake ....

Buy this book ...

161kb - View Full Image

Fantastic Health Philosophy!

With all the BMI talk around town, I hope this clears up any misconceptions you may have had about food and diets:

Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true?

A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it... don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.

Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?

A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a lamb eat? Leaves and corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a kebab is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken.

Q: Should I reduce my alcohol intake?

A: No, not at all. Wine is made from fruit. Brandy is distilled wine, that means they take the water out of the fruity bit so you get even more of the goodness that way. Beer is also made out of grain. Bottoms up!

Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?

A: Well, if you have a body and you have body fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one, etc.

Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?

A: Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?

Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the

A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.

Q: Is chocolate bad for me?

A: Are you crazy? HELLO? Cocoa beans ... another vegetable!!! It's the best feel-good food around!

Q: Is swimming good for your figure?

A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me.

Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?

A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape!

Remember, "Life should NOT be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, Savignon Blanc / Semillon in one hand and strawberries in the other, body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming: WOO HOO! What a Ride!"

Go, figure.


Really mans ! I tried email posting my blog page and nothing comes up ! Craps to Yahoo and Hotmail, mans ! I am pissed now so I am gonna cut all the nonsense and start my assignment !


Sunday, April 03, 2005

Sunday I feel fine

Mans, talk about deep set procrastination. It is at its finest hour. My sympathies to my lecturer. Yes, the one who will be marking my crap of assignment. I was actually inspired to do well after opening my mail and seeing the marks I got for my Practical assignments. I didn't fall below the 70's range (yessss!). The lowest I got was a 72% and that was because I submitted my assignment like 2 weeks late. Read and weep, yes. Fourteen days (count that Devi!) late and I still managed a 72% ! No, I am not showing off but who's the woman ??? (ummm ... that would be me.)

Okay enough. I will have to start trawling the net for some info on what the effing is a pharmacophore. What the effing is that ? Anyone care to answer this ????

Saturday, April 02, 2005

Just another Saturday ???

As you can see, I am writing this using my work computer. Yes, I love to go home but (as always there is always a but(t) in everything!) ….. And the but(t) is that I cannot go home and veg out as I always do on the weekends. At least not this particular weekend. *drum rolls* I have a last minute scheduled class later. I was actually planning to go watch a movie or something but then movies every week ? *eye rolls* My mom would sure have something to say.

So today being the filial daughter that I am *more eye rolling*, I am going out with the Mom. Gonna go bra shopping. Ooops … Way too much info, no ?

Hah. Nothing’s taboo to me now. Sex, lies and videotape. Can someone please tell me what is that movie trying to convey ? Anyways, you guys can see I’m rambling on. So I just need to end the entry.

Wish me luck, yeah ? I hope I won’t faint too much today. Getting a bit faint and breathless …. *winks*

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Wednesday, March 23, 2005

Heya !

Okay, I am basically broke.


I am counting the days until Friday when I can get my grubby hands on my pay ! The sweet, sweet smell of crisp notes. Ahhh … Almost made my morning !



Sunday, March 20, 2005

The Lord of the Rings (The Fellowship of the Ring) Part 1

Sad but true, I'm watching the most talked about trilogy after Star Wars, on tv. A TeeVee premier. Grainy picture but nothing can hide the blueness of Elijah Wood's eyes. Contacts anyone ?

"A year spent in artificial intelligence is enough to make one believe in God." -- Alan J. Perlis

So long, farewell ...

Yeah, ah !

Caught you. It's been how long ? Thirty days. Exactly thirty days since I last wrote in this page. Every day that I didn't write, I felt something's just wasn't complete. Important thing is, no excuses.

Anyways, as usual, I thought my weekend will be spent doing the stuff I'd planned. Surprise, surprise. Oh, just discovered something. Olivia Goldsmith, the author of The First Wives Club had passed away. When, where and how, I don't know. But sad I am, because she was a terrific writer. Talking about authors.

Guess what ? Sam's book will be released in May ! I have a coverpage of his book. Will update soon. Keep checking back !

Saturday, February 19, 2005

Falling from grace

Nothing could ever prepare anyone for the fall to earth. So don't ever live your life in the clouds. Yes, being so high up is a bliss but the bang on the ground is no laughing matter.

The point to this all ? Waste not, want not.

Sunday, February 13, 2005

"London big shit falling down ..."

Imagine hearing this every single day ? In every room of the house. "London big shit falling down .... London big shit falling down ... (mumble, mumble)"

Would you correct this or laugh out loud in glee ? Or do both ?

The source of this fine muzak ? The precious niece.

Since she started nursery a month and a half ago, all she does is "polish" up her singing capabilities. And the memorising of lyrics ability. A vast improvement from just mumbling and humming and naa-ing.

Good thing I'm such a decent aunt. Else I'd just record this moment and keep it until she is much older to appreciate her finer singing qualities from way back when.


Best of me

Ask me what I think I can do better in my life and I would answer, make my mother happier. I think I am never good enough to be here. Sometimes self doubt overcomes me and I feel like the most useless person ever to walk this space and time. Ask me again why I am not more than me. And I would answer, my best will never be present because I am not brave enough to show to anyone.

The fear, jealousy and anger inherent makes me a very horrible person at times. I feel like I am unlikable. That people show "likeness" because of the code of behaviour as dictates by society.

Maybe I was wrong. Maybe I should not have been too petty. Maybe I could say I'm sorry. Maybe I should not have been too bitchy. Maybe I should have not been educated. Maybe I should just not be out in the open. I can't deal with people but I crave the contact. I want the easy laughs and push off all the negativities. I need people to understand that sometimes I make the demands because I never had a chance to do them. I may behave like a royal bitch sometimes, but I am just venting out. Excuses ? Maybe. Even yes sometimes. I just never got to do things my way before.

So I apologise for the uncalled for insults. Sorry for the cuts my words may have done to you, Fie. I am such a cow, sometimes. I never did think before I shoot my mouth off. I thought you'd accept it good naturedly but I guess I went too far. Surpassed your tolerance level and what do you know ? The conscience almost killed me. So.

Life's too long to make enemies. And to throw away 10 years of good friendship is just plain silly. Stupid even. All I'm asking for is a little courtesy. That once in a while you do remember that we were once friends.

Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Cobra Event

Finally ! I managed to get my grubby hands on this book. By the same author of The Hot Zone. It had me hooked from the very beginning. Although I must say the description of the ensuing death was pretty graphic. The pathology examination was done in minute detail and my overactive imagination could just see how it was done. As if I was in the same room. *shudders*

The book was so absorbing that I decided not to go in to work just to finish it off. And I did. Now I have to hit the showers. Might consider a walk in town.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


It all started with, "Eh, so how?". It spiraled downwards from there, bitchy and catty barbs and before I know it, I had ended it with, "Have a nice life."

Maybe it had started before then. The cracks in our friendship had already started showing when we couldn't find time to meet for the occasional meals or coffee. So I shouldn't be sad. I should not even be disappointed. After all I am the one with the "massive psych problems" (my words).


No regrets. As a certain Mr Williams had sung. So maybe I am doing this for a reason. Sever ties. Start anew, afresh somewhere.

Har. Being a little dramatic there. But seriously. I don't need pity, I don't need censure. Life is just beginning for me. As I celebrate my second dozen years, let me be me. Free to walk the walk and talk the talk. As a certain someone had mentioned in his blog, friends come and go. And cheers to that, friendships should all be taken with a grain of salt. Until you can eliminate the jealousies, unhappiness and wariness, friends are best left to their own devices.

No emotions, no tangled webs. No guilt, no pain.

No friends.

Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Perfectionist Rooster

The "I can do better" inspirer.

In 2005, your energy level rises. Rooster souls are offered large projects, contracts and management positions. Don't hesitate to declare your love for that special someone this year. You will find the necessary words to convince them of your devotion and a marriage proposal could be accepted immediately. If you want to change career or company, 2005 is definitely favorable to take the necessary steps.

Do not neglect even a small cut or scrape; as there could be an increased risk of infection at this time. A brief dip in luck during September and October will require tireless Roosters to devote more time to everything and exhaustion from overwork may take its toll.

Roosters find themselves crying metaphorically "Who will help me make this bread?" Remember to balance your life, time and workload with sufficient rest. Changes will take place in your life during this year which will set the stage for future progress.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

~ Supreme by Robbie Williams ~

Oh it seemed forever stopped today
All the lonely hearts in London
Caught a plane and flew away
And all the best women are married
All the handsome men are gay
You feel deprived

Yeah are you questioning your size?
Is there a tumour in your humour,
Are there bags under your eyes?
Do you leave dents where you sit,
Are you getting on a bit?
Will you survive
You must survive

When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme

Oh what are you really looking for?
Another partner in your life to
abuse and to adore?
Is it lovey dovey stuff,
Do you need a bit of rough?
Get on your knees

Yeah turn down the love songs that you hear
'Cause you can't avoid the sentiment
That echoes in your ear
Saying love will stop the pain
Saying love will kill the fear
Do you believe
You must believe
When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme

I spy with my little eye
Something beginning with (ah)
Got my back up
And now she's screaming
So I've got to turn the track up
Sit back and watch the royalties stack up
I know this girl she likes to switch teams
And I'm a fiend but I'm living for a love supreme

When there's no love in town
This new century keeps bringing you down
All the places you have been
Trying to find a love supreme
A love supreme

Come and live a love supreme
Don't let it get you down
Everybody lives for love


Sunday, January 16, 2005

Just Friends

This is the last book I read. Cried buckets when I finished it. It brought up that question that is forever being asked with no satisfying answers forthcoming.

Can a man and a woman be just friends ?

In a perfect world, the answer might be a resounding yes. But in this imperfect space we live in, I have yet to see for myself. Let me rephrase the question then. Can a straight man and a straight woman be just friends ? And siblings don't count. Then again so many things hinge on friendships. Which is better then ? To remain just friends when the attraction is there or to take it a level further ?

Saturday, January 15, 2005

Another long day

Stayed late after work today. Officially I can go at noon but stayed up till four. Why ? I had to finish up my paperwork. Again, I must reiterate, pushing paperwork has been the only thing that kept me dedicated to the West, rather than enjoying a splendid afternoon in bed in the East. On a plus point, I got a ride home. Oh wells, too many things to do to sit around and chat.

Talk later yeah ?

Friday, January 14, 2005

Spilt milk and all

Just got home not too long ago. Was out with the colleagues at the pub a few metres away from the office. Played pool (!), laughed aplenty (!!), defrust a lot (!!!) and fagged a few times (!!!!!). Yeah I know. I felt bad afterwards. Just washed the hair, all the ciggie smoke clinging to the clothes and hair.

HD was venting pretty bad tonight. Seriously speaking, he was all hands on on me. "HE's my buddy," I kept thinking. Well, when he was whispering into my ear, his breath tickling the hairs on my nape and his arm around the chair, it sure didn't feel like buddies to me. Too bad he's married, otherwise, I might consider going for it. *sighs* Pitter-patter went the heartbeat, but no, nothing happened.

IP was just sitting soaking everything, the big daddy of them all. MM was quiet too. EL and DL shared some inside jokes together, had a blast didn't they ? MG was also soaking up the whole situation.

What a time to end the week !

What a relief too, knowing that I might not need lose my job afterall. Absentmindedness is a bitch.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

Fucked up

Oh what a fuck, cock up ! Shit situation.

I lost a student's passport. Shit ... shit ... shit ...

I thought I could renew the social visit pass but I realised I didn't have the passport with me. So I went to look for the student and he claimed he passed it to me like 2 days ago ! Searched everywhere in the freaking office and I didn't find it anywhere. Fuck !

Colleagues helped to look for it but still the said passport was elusive. Where could I have left it ?

Bugger, if the bosses find out, I am so out of the office. So out. I was late for class again. Fuck, fuck, fuck !! This is like so freaking bad !

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Bleargh ....

I had just finished doing my assignment. To be handed in tomorrow in lab. Anyways, I was reminded by the Technical Officer (TO) not to be late for class again. Hell, I have no choice, it's either I abandon my work or go for class. If I don't do my work, I can't even consider attending lessons. Seriously, they think we all have it easy. Anyways, they get paid for staying late, unlike some poor sucker (i.e. ME !).

Gonna have to hit the sack soon.

Talk later, yeah ?

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

An hour zzzs ...

Oh mother.

Please remind me why I bothered to stay up until now to finish my Lab report ? Why didn't I do it over the weekend ? Why was I glued to the books I'd borrowed rather than completing the report ? Why did I even decide to have dinner with IP and MG last night ? So many whys with no easy answers. *shakes head miserably*

Sunday, January 09, 2005


Yikes ....

I went out with the mom and niece to the interchange. Bloody crowded ! I went to Giant because the mom wanted to get some pita bread. Ended shopping for a number of stuff. Even bought potong ice cream (yums !).

The niece was temperamental again. Sheesh ... Kids are so annoying sometimes. Anyways, it's all quiet now. Must finish the book ...

Friday, January 07, 2005

Almost 2 hours !!!

Silly-billy me decided to try the bus route again tonight. Just reached home ! It was whacked ! Changed buses four times ! 4 times !!! Count that !!!

Sheesh ... Gonna shower now. Thank goodness I don't have to come in to work early tomorrow. Well, it is my off Saturday. Tried to get it changed because of lab next week but there were no takers. Oh well, might come in later and try to finish my work. Think will read for a bit before I hit the sack though.

All the bus changing is keeping me awake ! *yawns*

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Not too bad

The only weeknight off lab this week. Had a last minute briefing on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are the proper lab classes. Nice seeing Kavitha again. Started the term lousy. We were late for class ! And it's in Singapore Poly ! So freaking far (from home !). Took the train on Monday, reached home within the hour. Took a bus yesterday. Number 14. *groans* The journey home nearly killed me ! Oh brother !!!

Anyways, gonna have an early night. At least will try too ... *winks*

Monday, January 03, 2005

Lab Skills module


A hundred and thirty five bucks per session. Read that again. S$135 per lab session. Peanuts ? Well, call me a monkey then !

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Rainy days are here again

It rained non stop today. Intermittent drizzles with the outpourings of grief from the big gray skies. Stayed in my room for most hours today. The nieces were here since the day before yesterday, and had done my fair share of playing and teasing. Now I am once again cloistered in my room, staring at the screen. Had wanted to watch Ocean's Eleven but couldn't be bothered to switch on the telly.

Little Prudence's staring at me, giving me the evil eye. And I have a bitchin' headache to go with the cold feet. Also I will be wasting more money as the weather prevented me from returning the borrowed library books. Dang it ...! Guess I have to make a trip down on the morrow to prevent further leakage of the funds.

School's starting. For me and the elder niece. Fun times all round, as you guys can expect. Hey Sam, if you are reading any of my entries, drop a comment, yeah ? It's starting to feel like an ickle ghost town here !

Saturday, January 01, 2005

To one and all

HAPPY NEW YEAR, twenty-oh-five !!!!