silentscream Search

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

De-tox part deux


Okay. I've been doing this de-tox session with Jas and Mother. Yesterday, being the first day was horrid. Not only do I have to go to class, the hunger pangs kept me awake half the night. I can only down water or green tea aside from my maple syrup, lemon drink. And I tell you, into the second day, it was worth it. My urine's almost colourless now. Kinda cool, me thinks !

Just another day to keep to this de-tox thing and then I am home free. I know I can do it !

Urmm ... Now I must think what to say for my so called presentation of myself for the retreat this coming Thurs. Guys, what analogy should I figure myself to ?

*blink* *blink* *blink*

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