silentscream Search

Monday, December 26, 2005

Talk to me, Mister

I am not a contented camper. Nor am I discontented. I am just. Whaddya know ? Too many damn things have been happening to me and my life. Oh wait. There's a song by that turn of phrase. Sung by ? Hmmm .. Not too sure. Take a listen to Gold 90.5 FM. You might just hear the song playing.

I have not heard from so many people. People who are so-called active on my Messenger list. Maybe I should be the bigger person and say "Hello" first ? As always I've lamented. I'm always the one who intiated. Screw that, right ? Anyways, I am not in my self-destructive mode. Another 15 and 3/4 years before I croak. Goodbye cruel world. Yet another song.

My life is all about the songs. The moments spent in between are just empty spaces. Love me like the first song that captured your heart. Maybe one day I will be strong enough. Someday, baby, no one else can f**k up my life like I did. Hello darkness, my only friend. Simon and Garfunkel nailed it.

So to end my unworthy self, I planned that life should fluorish, if it means I can breathe my last breath. Until the light shines on me again.

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