silentscream Search

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Some friend, huh ?

Correct me if I am wrong. I apologise if I see this the wrong way and hence jump into conclusions. However, the way I see it, it's just too coincidental that I'd been "arrowed".

As you know, my work place managed to get another accreditation under our belt. Hence, because of the teamwork done by the Security Forum, my Big Boss decided to place the Quality Manual aka ISO 9001 under the care of the ISMS people. H was okay with it because after all, the BS7799 was much more complex as compared to the ISO 9001. As such, the ISO survillance audit is coming on August 1st. So Boss said that after the survillance audit is complete, work on the Quality Manual will be solely placed under the same team of ISMS Manual (you following me so far ?).

So anyways, I told E during lunch that Boss decided to place the QMS under the Security Forum's charge, little knowing the importance of the information.

So after lunch, I was merrily doing my work when Boss called me to have a "mini-conference" with E. He said that since we are handling the QMS, I would have to be present at the ISO audit. My jaw literally dropped. Why ? Because yesterday when Boss made the announcement to have the SF people handle the QM, it was under the knowledge to do so after the audit. Boss even said that the audit would be handled by himself and E. Well, damn me ! I got arrowed didn't I ?

Tell me it does not smell fishy. Thanks to H, my fishy nose went on high alert. Please tell me it's just a rare occurrence. H even told me that during the lunch he had with Boss, Boss was still in the frame of mind that we SF people handle the QM after the audit. Tell me then why the story changes after lunch and after E found out that I'd been placed in charge of the QM.

I felt I had been stabbed between my shoulder blades. I thought she was a friend. I treated her like a friend when I confided in the info knowing full well that Boss had not told her yet. Maybe I am just daft. To place my trust in people so blindly.

Seriously, if I am wrong in my observation, I beg a thousand pardons. I will be more than happy to be wrong in this instance. But neat and convenient circumstances do not happen without some kind of clever orchestrating.

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