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Thursday, January 27, 2005

The Perfectionist Rooster

The "I can do better" inspirer.

In 2005, your energy level rises. Rooster souls are offered large projects, contracts and management positions. Don't hesitate to declare your love for that special someone this year. You will find the necessary words to convince them of your devotion and a marriage proposal could be accepted immediately. If you want to change career or company, 2005 is definitely favorable to take the necessary steps.

Do not neglect even a small cut or scrape; as there could be an increased risk of infection at this time. A brief dip in luck during September and October will require tireless Roosters to devote more time to everything and exhaustion from overwork may take its toll.

Roosters find themselves crying metaphorically "Who will help me make this bread?" Remember to balance your life, time and workload with sufficient rest. Changes will take place in your life during this year which will set the stage for future progress.

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