silentscream Search

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Where do broken hearts go?

I told myself I am overdramatising again. I told myself to breathe. I told myself that she's always been like that. I told myself I wouldn't be hurt by the snub. I told myself I better shut my trap before I land my smelly feet in. I told myself so many things but I still refuse to listen to all the warnings. I am not being schizophrenic or a brick short of a wall. It's just that I cannot ignore the fact that sometimes people just do not want my big, fat face in their affairs. Who am I, the loserliest of the crowd from school. The underachiever, who is contented with her lot in life, never demanding more, the one who gets stepped on, the wallflower.

Maybe I should not have clicked onto her link. Maybe I should have just ignored that niggling feeling I had, that after a year and half of inactivity in our shared blog, it's really a fluke that she should post a photo a month back. Just as curiosity killed the cat, my curiosity killed whatever cordial feelings I had towards her. Hey woman, if you read this post, I want my Da Vinci's Code back. Just return my book and we'll be even stevens. I don't demand and then you don't have to give.

Fie and I actually bothered to meet up and our friend kept cancelling on us. Ahhhh ... People say, the throes of new love. That power eliminates even the best of friends. Maybe I just expect a little too much of the people around me. Everytime they don't deliver, I feel so let down. Remember the mess with Fie ? So now I have yet another mess. Psychotic, huh ?

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