silentscream Search

Wednesday, February 09, 2005


It all started with, "Eh, so how?". It spiraled downwards from there, bitchy and catty barbs and before I know it, I had ended it with, "Have a nice life."

Maybe it had started before then. The cracks in our friendship had already started showing when we couldn't find time to meet for the occasional meals or coffee. So I shouldn't be sad. I should not even be disappointed. After all I am the one with the "massive psych problems" (my words).


No regrets. As a certain Mr Williams had sung. So maybe I am doing this for a reason. Sever ties. Start anew, afresh somewhere.

Har. Being a little dramatic there. But seriously. I don't need pity, I don't need censure. Life is just beginning for me. As I celebrate my second dozen years, let me be me. Free to walk the walk and talk the talk. As a certain someone had mentioned in his blog, friends come and go. And cheers to that, friendships should all be taken with a grain of salt. Until you can eliminate the jealousies, unhappiness and wariness, friends are best left to their own devices.

No emotions, no tangled webs. No guilt, no pain.

No friends.

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