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Sunday, May 29, 2005

The biggest decision I ever made

I realised what a momentous event it was the day after. That I am now officially an adult and I can make decisions that can rock the world. My world at least. If everything turns out well, I will start paying housing loan come August. All right, so I will pay using my CPF but you guys see the main issue here ? I am gonna be a flat owner. Major step.

And the first thing I did once the papers have been signed was to get myself a box of colour pencils. And then I did the adult thing by going to work to help Heman finish the some of the documentation needed for the BS 7799 project. Which then caused me to turn back time by going to a movie marathon with Elaine. I had not done a back to back movie session since my early poly days and I have not reached home at 2 am since that year I turned 21. And that was when a teacher colleague held her after wedding party at Bar None.

Saturday indeed had been such a ride for me.

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