silentscream Search

Friday, May 27, 2005


Guess what ? I found out that that cow M is married ! And a lazy married cow she is ! And how did I find out ? Well, let me tell you a story of human nature.

Homo sapiens the scientific name for man has a folly. The biggest one of all. The intellect to talk and communicate with fellow Homo sapiens and the stupidity in not knowing when to shut that big, fat gob. It's an affliction that had caused numerous pain and suffering. The experts coined this term, "necessary evil" and it totally applies to this particular action.

So last night I was sitting quietly in class, all my kakis absent for some reason, when my excellent hearing picked up this irritating buzzing sounds. Oh, guess where it came from.

Come on, give it a go. Yes.

That cow, M. Bzzzz ... Bzzzz ... She went.

At first I ignored her but the sounds got louder and I picked up on what she was going on and on about. Then she revealed "my husband always picked up and wash the dishes for me".


Yes, I hear 'ya. And I thought, "Stupid, silly cow!" The number one rule in married life is not to reveal any unsightly bulges. Then followed by that linen. Never, ever reveal anything negative about yourself in front of people who dislikes you. So I repeated, "Stupid, silly cow!" in my head. Disgusted I tuned off her bzzzzz-ing and stared into space.

What I really wanted to say is that, if irritating, silly cows have someone to f*** them at night, there is hope for us, normal people. Be strong.



*soft cries in the background* Nobody wants me .... I am sad, deluded fool ...

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