silentscream Search

Sunday, April 03, 2005

Sunday I feel fine

Mans, talk about deep set procrastination. It is at its finest hour. My sympathies to my lecturer. Yes, the one who will be marking my crap of assignment. I was actually inspired to do well after opening my mail and seeing the marks I got for my Practical assignments. I didn't fall below the 70's range (yessss!). The lowest I got was a 72% and that was because I submitted my assignment like 2 weeks late. Read and weep, yes. Fourteen days (count that Devi!) late and I still managed a 72% ! No, I am not showing off but who's the woman ??? (ummm ... that would be me.)

Okay enough. I will have to start trawling the net for some info on what the effing is a pharmacophore. What the effing is that ? Anyone care to answer this ????

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