silentscream Search

Friday, January 14, 2005

Spilt milk and all

Just got home not too long ago. Was out with the colleagues at the pub a few metres away from the office. Played pool (!), laughed aplenty (!!), defrust a lot (!!!) and fagged a few times (!!!!!). Yeah I know. I felt bad afterwards. Just washed the hair, all the ciggie smoke clinging to the clothes and hair.

HD was venting pretty bad tonight. Seriously speaking, he was all hands on on me. "HE's my buddy," I kept thinking. Well, when he was whispering into my ear, his breath tickling the hairs on my nape and his arm around the chair, it sure didn't feel like buddies to me. Too bad he's married, otherwise, I might consider going for it. *sighs* Pitter-patter went the heartbeat, but no, nothing happened.

IP was just sitting soaking everything, the big daddy of them all. MM was quiet too. EL and DL shared some inside jokes together, had a blast didn't they ? MG was also soaking up the whole situation.

What a time to end the week !

What a relief too, knowing that I might not need lose my job afterall. Absentmindedness is a bitch.

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