silentscream Search

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Rainy days are here again

It rained non stop today. Intermittent drizzles with the outpourings of grief from the big gray skies. Stayed in my room for most hours today. The nieces were here since the day before yesterday, and had done my fair share of playing and teasing. Now I am once again cloistered in my room, staring at the screen. Had wanted to watch Ocean's Eleven but couldn't be bothered to switch on the telly.

Little Prudence's staring at me, giving me the evil eye. And I have a bitchin' headache to go with the cold feet. Also I will be wasting more money as the weather prevented me from returning the borrowed library books. Dang it ...! Guess I have to make a trip down on the morrow to prevent further leakage of the funds.

School's starting. For me and the elder niece. Fun times all round, as you guys can expect. Hey Sam, if you are reading any of my entries, drop a comment, yeah ? It's starting to feel like an ickle ghost town here !

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