silentscream Search

Thursday, May 05, 2005

When the time comes, everyone has to step on it

And suck it up of course.

Anyways, I cabut class tonight. I left during the 15 minutes break. Dr Ong was covering DNA and DNA replication today. The session before the break was about the DNA, just basic stuff. And then I flipped through the DNA replication bit, oh boy ! I knew I was in for the long haul. So decided to skip class, together with Celeste.

Okay enough about school. I was just reading Rachel Gibson's book titled See Jane Score, the other day. And the main protangonist has the most exciting life ever (even for a fictional character !)! She works as a sports reporter by day, covering the state's ice hockey team and by night, she writes for an adult magazine. Then she sorta developed a crush on the goalie of the team. He in turn was described to have a horse shoe tattoo on his lower abdomen. So when he is just wearing a towel, three quarters of the tattoo is seen with the remaining left up to your own imagination. How droolsome, yeah ?

But, maybe it's just me. I'm rattling on now. Gotta grab something to eat.

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