silentscream Search

Monday, May 30, 2005

Spend, spend, spend

I have the moolah to spend so what's a girl to do ?

Yup, I am spending it like there is no tomorrow ! My poor bank account is feeling the pinch. Hahaha ... Though I am doing a bit of saving up. Gonna get me an MP3 player. Creative had a warehouse sale the past 3 days in celebration of the GSS.

For the uninitiated, the GSS is the Great Singapore Sale, usually rearing its head during the June school hols. Everything from air tickets to electronic gadgets to clothings have their prices slashed sometimes up to 70% off. Now is the time to get that watch for a good friend (Yes, Sha. I read your wishlist.) or that dream Creative Zen (20GB) for only S$299.

Alas ! For me, it is still possible to get that watch for my buddy (I hear 'ya, babes !) but not possible for the Zen. That particular star promotion is only for yesterday and was completely sold out by 11.30 am (even though the official opening hours is 10.30 am).

I am not worried though because the PC Show 2005 will be here in less than 3 days time ! YAY !!! More bargain hunting !

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