silentscream Search

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

10 different ways I love you

I thought I could live without you. I was wrong because you showed me the wondrous drug called life. I cannot contain my pleasure every time I look at you. You smiled at me and a thousand things pop inside my head to keep that smile on your face always. I want to jump your bones like there is no tomorrow every time you whisper my name. I love you babe. In so many ways but these 10 amazing and gorgeous you, are what make me really appreciate your love.

1) You make me feel nice

2) You allow me to be naughty

3) You cherish your mom

4) You adore my little imps (all 5 of 'em!)

5) You understand my idiosyncrasies

6) You take care of your grooming

7) You kiss so sweetly

8) You listen without judgment

9) You make amazing tuna sandwiches

10) You LOVE me.

And guess what? I LOVE you back. Heart and soul, I do.


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