silentscream Search

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Wild night (I only wish ...)

I attended the school's Grad Ball last evening. Did I bother to get dressy ? Yeah on a certain level I did. I wore my prettiest pair of pants. I put on a little bit of eyeliner, adding a dash of purple (?!?) lipstick, fixed a gorgeous mother of pearl choker and had a nice pair of dangly earrings on. I believed I looked quite fetching but boy ...

The kids were pretty much way .... out of my league. Well, since it was their night anyways, no harm in them looking different out of their checkered uniform!

The whole event was interesting. No bawdy jokes but plenty of weird table games. You could say I had a pretty good time there.

Ended the evening with brownie and ice cream with Jas and Mr G at Cineleisure. Actually we wanted to catch "The Maid" but ... the next show was only shown after 3 am. No way, jose ! My Ma will skin me alive if I reached home after 3 am !

Haha ... I am gonna it the sack now. Night all !

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