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Friday, May 23, 2008

Mum's the word


I accompanied the Ma for her medical appointment this morning. Ma was the first patient to be seen by the doctor. We only had to wait less than half an hour before Ma was called in for her appointment.

Bad news ? Somewhat. Her blood glucose level was high enough for the doctor to suggest insulin jabs because she was taken off metformin due to her elevated liver enzymes level. Ma immediately turned pale. I was expecting this but not in my wildest dream that it would be true.

The doctor sensed our reluctance and decided to up her dosage of her glibenclamide tablets from 3 to 4 a day. She will then have to come back in 10 weeks time, hopefully with good blood test results. If her blood glucose level is below 10 mmol/L, then there isn't a need for the jabs.

I kinda nagged her a little after we were done in the doc's room. The doc advised her to watch her diet, take her pills regularly (as in, without fail !) and exercise. Basically I told her the choice is up to her. If she chose to continue as is, then insulin injection is required to help her blood to not retain too much glucose. If she chose to follow the doc's advice than insulin is something that we could avoid. Maybe not forever, but at the very least not in the near future.

I hope she hears me. And listen. *sighs*

Talking about listening, the YS had a bit of a scare 2 days ago. She was telling she's having stomach pains while at work. Then when we had the birthday dinner, again she mentioned of the pain. I thought it might just be indigestion. Then early Thursday morning, she was not at work and I did get a little worried.

Ma thought she might be in labour. So YS and hubby went down to KK for a checkup. Turns out to be a false alarm she said. Perhaps Hakim Mudim just wanted to make his presence felt ? Haha ... I should have listened ? Or rather she should have listened when we suggested she go to KK that Wednesday night ? Thankfully, it was not something so serious. But still. I can't imagine the pain. *shudders* Poor sis !

So anyways, the YS also went down for her routine checkup today. Apparently now that she's close to her due date, her appointments are scheduled weekly. She needed someone to accompany her next week and she asked if I could. I should be able to as I still have plenty of leave to clear, I hope. :D

Oops. This is turning out to be a longer post than it should be. It's Saturday tomorrow. I've got no plans. Date me, anyone ? *winks*

1 comment:

Salwa Asri said...

Hey Sis, thanks for e care and concern ya. I really feel like crying when u mentioned me at yr post.

Well, i hope that the baby won't give me a false alarm again. Or maybe he is eager to come out to see me,yrself, Ma, OM, daddy, nieces & nephew, WM and Umi.hehehehe..... But i hope he wont do that again coz we spend abt $100 plus for the false alarm. Hahahaha.... WP going to go bald man! hehehehehe.....

Sorry for the long comments. Anyway, u take care too ya. Text me if u cant make it. *winks*