silentscream Search

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Afternoon Delight :D

I popped over to CM's place during lunch hour today. Or should I say lunch hours ? Haha.

I had to go to the POSBank to get a new bank book and I thought we could lunch together as CM mentioned that he wanted to attempt to study out of the house. And so, I thought, "Hey wouldn't it be nice to meet my guy for lunch since I can't meet up after work ?". So I rang him and he's at home, studying. I felt bad for intruding on his study time but he okayed the lunch idea. Hence, after settling my stuff at the bank, I went over to his place.

He sauteed salmon and made carrot and tomato salad. My guy can cook !!! Love him to bits for that. Hehe ... I could learn to live the life of his cooking. *winks*

Another half hour to go before I call it a day from the office. Feeling a little blearghhhh at the moment. Need another jolt of caffeine even though this will be my third shot for the day. I might just get a little too jittery ... Well, I would rather be jittery than suffer the effects of a mild headache. Heh.

All right then. I will make another cup of coffee. My guy just texted me ... Hehe ... Flirting over the mobile right now ...

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