silentscream Search

Thursday, May 01, 2008


What a lovely evening I had. My apologies for not including that thought in the previous post. There were just too many things to write about and I wanted the main football event over and done with. And besides, I was using someone else's computer so it's not that nice to have a super long post. Just a short one to indicate to people that I'm still living.

We made plans for our second date since Monday. Anyways, I wanted us to go out considering that Monday was a bit of a let down as I finished work late, even though I was on leave. Sad and true.

I asked Cheeky Monkey what will we be doing on Tuesday night while I was out and about. He suggested Sentosa and a movie at Vivo City afterwards. I did not object to the idea as it's been a long while since I went down to Sentosa. CM was asking what are the things I would like to do there and I was quite free and easy as I told him, as long as I'm with him, I don't mind the things we do or places we go to. CM was of the idea that we should not do too many things at once (I totally agree, btw). Just in case we needed to rush from one place to another as we can only start the date after his work hours.

So, there I was basically stoning at home yesterday, trying my darnest to recover from the football game. Eventually, I left the house at about half past five after a short nap, thinking I was so gonna be late. Tardiness is not something I'll advocate.

Anyways, CM rang a few times to say that he'd been delayed at work. I told him I don't mind the waiting, I'll just walkabout VC while waiting. Took me about an hour to reach VC and I decided to look for a nice pressie for CM.

He wanted me to find out the last ride for the monorail and cable cars. I had to walk for a good 30 - 45 minutes to find the information counter. I went to VC topmost floor, moving on to HarbourFront Centre to HabourFront Towers. As you can see, that's how familiar I was with the whole area. Hahaha. :D

I was basically like a little lost girl. CM was running really late and I felt like blowing off the joint. Or just calling CM to do other stuff. Eventually, at the advice of CM, I'd decided to turn about VC again to look for the Sentosa Station and what do you know ? It was just beside Food Republic. Seriously people, get the maps or at least Floor Directories accessible, yeah ?

While waiting for CM to arrive, I read the brochures for the activities in Sentosa. Some were pretty interesting. Especially for the Fort Siloso Tours, being a history buff and all. So anyways, CM eventually appeared at about 8 pm and then we went and bought tickets to get to Sentosa and to the Songs of the Sea. Poor baby, had not even had dinner yet. Initially we thought we had time to grab something from Food Republic but with the hoardes of people there ?? *shakes head*

We made our way to the Beach Station where the show was supposed to be played out. CM got the food combo with the tickets for the show and at the very least, there were munchies. The show was a colourful display of laser lights and special effects. I must admit that even though it looked like something the kids would enjoy, I did too. I guess, I am easily pleased, no ?

After the show, CM suggested going for the Luge ride but I was reluctant to do so. I just wanted to spend a bit of a quiet time with him, is all. He was quite insistent as he had always wanted to try it out. I told him to go ahead without me as I will just watch from the sidelines but he refused. He wanted to ride with me or not at all. Sweet, right ? So we decided to go to Imbiah Station and walk to the cable car station. By this time, it was past 9 pm and the last cable car ride is at 11 pm.

Walking up four flights was no joke to someone who does recreational walking occasionally. However, the sights were gorgeous. The Merlion had already closed for the day but what a sight he was. I noticed CM was having fun with his photography. I posed some, though I think I looked like a retard in most of the pictures taken. And no, it's not a testament of his skills, more of my inhibitions of having my photo taken.

It was the first time I took a cable car, round trip from Sentosa to Mount Faber and back. Scary ? Not much. Unique ? You bet. Guilt ? A fair bit. CM was spending so much money on this date. And he's got me a present too ! We managed to spend about 10 - 15 minutes on Mount Faber, just soaking up the sights of the night and the music coming from the pub. There was not much time for a walk as we have to be back on the cable car by 10.45 pm.

Once we were back on Sentosa, we took a leisurely walk down back to Imbiah Station. Took a few more photos of the city skyline. And sat on a bench and talked. Not for long but enough. I love spending these quiet times with him. Eventually we made our way to the monorail station and then back to VC. We sat for a while on the roof terrace and talked some more before we were informed by the security officer to leave as they are closing for the night.

We then popped down to Coffee Bean for coffee and late supper. Poor darling must be pretty famished after the walking trail. Me ? I was feeling a little hungry, not enough for a full meal so I pinched some of his food. Chicken and Mushroom Fusili, yummy. Highly recommended with all the white, creamy sauce. I had the Ice Blended Belgian Chocolate, horribly sinful, but lovely nonetheless.

And then we took a cab back to his place and this is where I have to stop the post as going further can be used against me in the court of law. *winks*

Oh for the record, I vetoed the movie idea. CM fell asleep on the cab home ! Imagine if we had watched the movie ? He would be snoring in the theatre, poor baby was that exhausted !!


Salwa Asri said...

Wow! what a lovely and romantic date i could say.... hehehehe.... Been a long time too didnt go to Sentosa. Well, for now being preggy don't think the right time to go there rite?

Just enjoying myself at Pasir Ris Beach only. Poor thing right! =)

MizBGot10 said...

It was a lovely, lovely date. I really had a wonderful time. With him and the surroundings. You should go to Sentosa some time. But Pasir Ris Beach is still fine ! :D