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Saturday, May 03, 2008

Saturday Morning Musings

What a glorious time to be alive !!

It's been a long while since I'd been tasked to monitor a roomful of students busy scribbling answers for timed exams. And thankfully, I'd managed to "work" two exams back to back this month. This week being the SAT and next week will be for the paper based TOEFL.

Sometimes, it's a pain having to wake up in the wee hours of the morning just to make it in time to school where most of the external exams are scheduled. The plus point would definitely be the additional "pocket moolah" once the claims are cleared.

I must admit, that it does get a bit boring at times. Especially so when all the instructions and directions have been issued out at the very beginning of the test administration. It's definitely a challenge to keep the peepers open. More so if you had been on the phone with your sweetheart until after 1 am the night before !


Speaking of which. I won't get to hang out with Cheeky Monkey this weekend. He's off watching a movie with his mates and I needed to spend more time with the people at home. Mother had been pretty suspicious with my claims of meeting up with friends these few days. A few times, she asked if I was meeting my boyfriend and denial was not just a river in Egypt !


Do I have a boyfriend ?

In the traditional sense of the word, not exactly, because we are not free to be that open with our relationship. Not for the lack of wanting. More for the decorum of societal views. Personally, I don't really care much what other people think. But he does. So out of respect for him, I am willing to go "undercover" and lie my pants off. Hahaha ... More denials.

He's a boyfriend because 1) he's my special guy and 2) we do special things together. Special as in we don't normally do with other friends. We are close to being exclusive with each other but both of us are not turning our backs to a potential mate later.

So then. How can I put a term to our relationship ?

A case of here today, gone tomorrow ? Potentially heartbreaks all round are expected. To stop would mean ... What exactly ? Would I want to now ? How could I consider that when just being away from him for a day, not hearing his voice causes me to break out in cold sweat.

I've got it bad for him. My drug of choice. And I believe he does too. I hope he does too and for a bit longer than 2 seconds. Because, Babe, I crave you. Almost all the time.

(Okay, for the record, this post was written when I was at my most sleepy moment in the second hour of invigilation. I was actually contemplating sending him a naughty text but I reckon I would not be around to alleviate any "arising" situation so it's better that I put my musings down on paper ! :D )

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