silentscream Search

Friday, April 04, 2008

The whole sad story

I thought I could cope. My ex-guy is an understanding person. But at the first sign of disenchantment, I swerved and missed the signs. And I fled from him for the other guy. The guy who tempted me so. And we promised nothing but good and fun times.
I saw the signs, way in advance. I told myself I could handle all that will be thrown at me. Little did I realise I'd grown soft. Soft in the head and heart.
As a result, there is no way I could have anticipated this. This being ? The day after the night he left.
It was nice just being with him on the ride over to the airport. Holding hands and just talking. Having a late supper, smelling his scent as I leaned over to whisper something.
I so missed him. But then, this is only the first day of the "separation". Bad idea really to get so physical, so fast.
I need a distraction.
Or I just need to sleep. 8 hours of proper sleep. =)

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