silentscream Search

Monday, April 14, 2008

Me and Office ... Alone

Everyone's gone for lunch. It's just 'lil ol' me in the office on stand by. I like my alone time. I get to update my blog page. Notice how often I've done it in a day ? Well ... Things are not so hectic at work and at home so I do have the spare bit of time to indulge in my favourite past time. My other favourite past time, that is.

First and foremost, I'd like to thank all of you who had given a scream. Yup, all one of you. You know, it means so much that I have such a wide reading audience ! :P

Secondly, Man U won the match against Arsenal. For the record, no one doubted that the Red Devils will beat the Gunners. It looks like if Chelsea loses tonight, the title's as good as in the bag ! Yay for us, fans !

Finally, Cheeky Monkey will be back this week !! Happy, happy, joy, joy ! I took half a day off so I can rest, look pretty and greet him good !!! Hahaha ... No doubt we've been keeping in touch through MSN but it's different to actually speak to someone in person and see their reactions instantaneously when you touch them or comment on something. ;) So for that, I am damn happy for him to be back on home turf !! My home turf !

(Right, I sound a tad bit high. My excuse, would be the cough medicine - bottle stated "May cause drowsiness". More likely it's the happy pills, no ?)

Another 12 days to the BBQ !!! :D

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