silentscream Search

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Uh-oh ...

I woke up with a blocked nose and nasties at the back of my throat. I'm coming down with the flu bug !!! Ah ... Stay away from me 'yer eviiil demons !!!

I cannot afford to be ill this month. I had a horrible birthday month last year so this year I don't want to be ill. I've made plans for a nice relaxing week leading up to the big candle blowing session. No way and no how I'm gonna let the nasties come after me.

So now, I am loading up on the vitamins and water. Staying away from the late nights and the caffeine (as if !).

I will not let you get me down this year. *shakes fist* Dammit if I do !!!

On a side note, I'm gonna be meeting up with him later. Maybe I can get the bugs to stay with me for a wee bit ? Afterall, who can resist the charms of a sick person ??? *evil grin*

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