silentscream Search

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I'm up, I'm up

No worries, 'mates.

I think I'm fine now. As fine as I can be on any given day.

I need to clean up my room, though !!!

The reason for taking this long leave was for that. Well, partly for that. Partly to clear last year's leave and partly to try to go for a short getaway. One of three, ain't too bad, no ?

So I'm will try to get cracking on the cleaning up bit. But, but ... Those books are calling my name. So's my pillows and bolsters and bed. Ah.

I shall answer the call. For I am but a nice girl. Nice girls always do as they are told or called ! *sticksouttongue*

Champions League Final

It's official then.

Manchester United is through to the Final of the Champions League, after beating Barcelona one goal to nil. A most, wondrous goal scored by Paul Scholes !!

Glory, glory Man United.

So now, we have to see if it's gonna be Liverpool or Chelsea to meet the Red Devils. Oh, I so want it to be Liverpool. The 2 reds clashing one final time this season ...

*fingers crossed*

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

For things to go back to normal

Do I have to sell my soul to the Devil ? Do I repent and pray for guidance and wisdom ? Do I wish for Death to come swiftly and quietly ?

I had hoped to not be one of those women who depended on their guys for the reason for living. I was never that with my previous guys. Why now, then ? What makes him that special one to whom I bestow my affections and desires ?

When I'm not with him, I feel abandoned. And yet, when he spends time with me, I feel guilty for encroaching his personal time to socialise, to just be with other people. I resent his ability to make friends easily and yet, I adore his talent in social settings. I am such a mad cow sometimes that makes me wonder, what did he ever saw in me ?

A few people thought that I knew better than to be with him. They asked me, what can he offer me ? They think that I would be wise enough to not have chosen him. To choose him as my other one. That he's lucky to have someone like me in his life.

I would rebutt these comments if I could. I am lucky to have him in my life. I am one lucky cow that he's the rock, the one who puts up with my nonsense in most aspects of my life.

I often say to people, what you see is what you get. It's just that he sees deeper. He senses that I am holding back some things. Things that I will carry to my grave. I am so comfortable with him that I want to push my limits and go beyond. Beyond what I've done before. Yet, he's the one wanting things to slow down a notch or two. He's the one reminding me of our time together could end. The date of expiry, no doubt is not set in stone, but still there looming in the future.

I pray for strength. I pray for guidance. I pray for happiness. I pray for longevity. I pray for patience. I pray for him. Always.

Woke up sad

I keep thinking and thinking if my actions in the previous 6 weeks or so were the reason I'm feeling conflicted right now. I want to always live life without any regrets, but right now, I'm feeling that as if I'd screwed up royally.

It made me question why and what and how ? Mostly the why now. And the what ifs. Is it possible for two people from so different worlds to be in love ? Do we really love each other or is it the idea of love itself ? Or is that just the lust taking over ? Hammering the fact that we are both glad to be with each other ?

I don't know. Do I make sense at all ? I feel like there is so much things I don't understand and I chose not to understand them. Have I failed as a human being ? As a woman ? Will I always question the why nots ?

Or am I just being a pre-menstrual, moody, old cow ?

Mood: Sad; =(

Monday, April 28, 2008

The day after

Exhaustion. That's the word.

Muscle aches. That's a couple of words.

Unknown / unseen bruises. Those words describes me perfectly.

I wish I could just lay in bed and recuperate. Alas. My conscience dictates me to complete some work so as not to delay the people in the office. If time permits, I might even pop in to help out with the sending of mails.

I know, silly old cow. But that's just me.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Happy Birthday to me !

It's my birthday today !!! I was born at 9-ish at night. So technically, my birth hour is still about a couple of hours from now.

It was good fun at the BBQ to a certain point. Well ... Not every planned thing can go without hitches. I was being a silly old cow, when midnight came around. Feeling pensive and old and sad.

Then the guys (and gals) came up to the bedroom and started telling ghost stories. Like how cool is that ? At a chalet and you start telling ghost stories ? The hairs on my neck and arms were still standing a good hour after the story-telling session !

All the people who mattered turned up. A special, huge THANK YOU goes out to Mariam for preparing the food, Mr G for the BBQ-ing skills and patience, R for the muscles in bringing some stuff over from my place to the chalet, Trace and D for providing entertainment (Trace brought her Wii, which got Mr G playing until 6 plus am today ! and D for his telescope so we could enjoy the night sky - Moon, Jupiter and a slew of other stars !), my family for coming over, willing to do so without much grousing nor complaints. I heart you guys !

Also a massive THANKS to all the people who made it last evening and had shared my present and card and happier moments; Jeff, Ellen & Amy, Ed H, Jas, Mr George, Ian G, Izam, Dwight, Hsueh Li, Chai Fong, Sarah and Cher. Also THANKS to Stephen for your kind wishes and thoughts !

For all those who couldn't make it but still wished me, I wish JOY & HAPPINESS for all !

Thank you, people. You made my 27th a possibility. You made me go silly and were patient enough with my idiosyncrasies in and out of the office. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU !!! :D

To my lovely fella, Cheeky Monkey, I meant what I said.

I love you.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Busy, busy day

I have a short time to post. Things have been pretty hectic since I woke up this morning. Things will be even worse once I'm there.

It's my BBQ today !!!

I hope the people I've invited turned up !!!

Okay, I gotta go get spending money for later.

Later !

Friday, April 25, 2008

Hey, Big Spender

Spend a little time with me !

I have just reached my credit limit. I had just came back from another night out with the sisters. The whole day was spent at my place, with the Younger Sister (YS) coming over after work and the Elder Sister (ES), popping over after her Mommy duties.

ES had cooked lunch for us, fried noodles with oodles of good stuff. Yummy. So, once she came over with the kids, we all had our yummilicious lunch, at 2.45 pm. I don't mind, really because then I will not need dinner. And I didn't !

YS was a tad hungry when she came at around 1.30 pm. Poor dear, hadn't had lunch and she has to feed for 2 ! So being, the good and kind sister that I am, I fried some sausages after failing to have catch a nap. The Youngest Niece was bouncing around on my bed. Tell me, how do you actually nap, then ? So anyways, I had sausages with a slice of bread, just to tide me until proper lunch arrived. Like I said, it was yummilicious. Definitely, worth waiting for.

After lunch, we just lazed around for a bit before we (or rather, I) decided to go for another shopping jaunt. This time for toiletries. I just couldn't resist buying so much stuff for myself, the sisters and the kids. Haha ... I figured, once a month is enough restraint for splurges.

However, we (or rather I) was not quite done. We then decided to pop down to Giant to just "waste" the evening. I wanted to get something for Cheeky Monkey and I figured, this evening was as good as any. I had to really, really curb myself from buying things for him. It was a good thing ES was with me when I got his things. I really hope he accepts them.

(Babe, you must accept them. Permission's not granted for a "nay".)

And so, the damages for today ?

I don't even want to think about it. =)

Another 01 day to the BBQ !!! :D

I'm sooooooooo excited !!!

Gonna have a bit of nap later after shopping for foodstuff for tomorrow.

I had only managed a few snatches of sleep. Yeah, sleep deprivation was the order of the night when you spent the night over at someone else's place. Cheeky Monkey probably needed the sleep more than I did. Poor baby had to be at work today.

I'm sorry babe, I should not have stayed over but I just can't help myself. =)

All right then.

I need to make some phone calls. I will update later, when time permits.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Run CD First

before connecting cables

Right. Sure does not make sense to you, but it did to me. I am at Cheeky Monkey's place right now. Trying my best to spend some more quality time with him.


First day

I am so sleepy !!!

I so wanted to go to bed and not wake up until morning ... I wish, I could. I wish, I would. I wish, I should.

But no, I have to open my big, fat gob and tell people I'm coming back to work. Ah ... It's my first freaking day on leave. And here I am suffering from work withdrawals. Sad but true.

I woke up at 2 plus in the morn to catch the Semis of Barcelona and Man U. They freaking drew the freaking match. Ronaldo freaking missed a freaking penalty ! Freaks !

After the match I slept for an hour or so before making my way down to the pick up point to pass the wallet to Mariam. I walked all the way to the interchange. Sweaty, hot, blood pumping. I felt good. Then I walked all the way to my sis place so I can pick up the nephew and send him to school. His kindy place is just at my void deck.

After which, I basically stoned all the way. *sighs*

Right then. I'm gonna get ready to leave the house soon. Loads of things to do. Mass mail-out in the next few days. So to prevent the peeps at the office from suffering too much, I will make my way down.

Wish me luck, yes ?

Another 02 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Advanced Birthday Celebration

It's been the norm of my office to always celebrate birthdays of staff with cake.

And so, today was my turn.

I had informed Jas to not bother with anything at all. I didn't need the cake nor the attention. But of course, all my arguments were swept aside. As a result of my long leave, the cake cutting had to be done today.

Thank you guys. I didn't need it but you guys sure want to. =)

Another 03 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Date ... Movie Date ...


I have just reached home from a movie with Cheeky Monkey. I had the most lovely evening with him. It was a first official date for us. Movie, dinner and a turnabout Vivo City.

Balmy night, with the moon playing peek-a-boo with the clouds. The other couples around just enjoying each other's company. And before we knew it, it was almost time to call it a night. I would love to have extended the night but alas, duties call us for the morrow.

So. More dates like this ?

Yes, please.

I simply love spending time with him !

Earth Day

I knew April is a good month.

I have always believed in my heart that April is the month worth celebrating.

So today.

Just because it's April. We will celebrate. Mother Earth, at her highest honour. Remember, people. And remember well. Earth is the only planet so far that sustains life. Cherish her. Love her. Care for her.

And most of all, Remember her. Help her to heal and use her wisely.

Happy Earth Day, all !

From one Earthling to the billions of others inhabiting this precious rock ! =D

Another 04 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Monday, April 21, 2008

I heart you, babe

This post is solely for a good friend of mine, Kav. She popped by the office earlier to surprise me. She had texted me earlier in the day wondering if we could meet up for lunch. I was game for a meet up with her any time, as the very last time I saw her was the beginning of the year.

Our texts going back and forth and I thought she was not able to make it for lunch due to work commitments. So, I thought the lunch would probably be set for the next couple of days or so.

I went about my merry way, completing as much tasks as possible. Then at about 4-ish, I received a text from Kav asking about bus directions to my work place on behalf of her colleague.

The text arrived when I was collecting the post from the mailbox. I was just about to start on the checking of the mail when I was alerted by a reminder beep of my mobile. I checked it and saw her text. So being the eager beaver that I am, I was texting a reply to her, trying to be as comprehensive as possible. I was checking and re-checking my message back when I heard someone called my name. I thought it was a student, needing some last minute things before I leave the office when 'lo and behold ! It was Kav !

Being the girl that I am, I screeched her name and went out of the office to meet her. Nice, nice surprise indeed ! Thanks, babe. You really made my week so much more pleasant with your presence and your present. You know you didn't have to go through all that trouble.

I heart you, babe !

And we trudged on

So here we are. Another work week had started. Also. My birthday week !

I'm so happy and excited, I could cry.

But I won't.

So here we are. :D

Another 05 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hot, lazy Sunday

I am spending time in bed. This Sunday being the last Sunday of work week for me. I was a tad bit tempted to head to work earlier but well ... I guess I got lazy. Anyways, I was in the office yesterday and managed to complete about, hmmm ... 30% of my unfinished tasks ?

I have another 70% to complete before I go on my 6 days leave. Yay !!! I'm so darn happy that my boss granted me the leave. Haha ... Goes to show I am not that indispensable afterall. Which means that I better brief my work mates of my outstanding tasks. Especially R. He's just back from his 2 week leave back home. Must remember to not give him too much at once. I will itemised the things that needs to be done.

Seriously I think it's never fair that when I go on leave I have to rely on R to help me with my work stuff. If only I have the courage to push away the work that should not be under our jurisdiction. Haha ... As I've said before, if wishes were pennies then the poor man would be rich and the rich man ? Disgustingly so.


My moral conscience coming out in earnest now. Well ... Well ... Nice to know that under all these snide comments and tough veneer, I have the heart of a softie ...

Right then.

I'm gonna get something to eat now. Feeling a tad bit hungry. Late lunch, early dinner ... Dunch ? Linner ?

Another 06 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday workout

Take a guess where I am right now ? Just take one guess.

That's right. I'm at work. Sorting through my mess before I go off on leave next week. It bites because it's sooooooo mundane. Boring stuff, like filing. Can anyone beat this ? Doing something more boring that filing on a perfect Saturday afternoon. I wish I was out and about with him rather than being stuck here.


Anyways, I had a good night out last night, hence the grousing now. Needs must. I wish I was doing more exciting stuff. Like breaking a leg or getting a heart attack. So anyways. Enough of the doom and gloom.

I need to go shopping !!!

Another 07 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Friday, April 18, 2008

Rainbow miracle

I guess, being a witness to the wondrous sight of a rainbow after a shower is a blessing. For the best part of my journey to work, the rainbow followed me with its benevolent arch. It was by no means a small, tiny part of the arch as some rainbows are wont to bestow.

I was given the full fledged service of the beautiful colours. From one end of the spectrum to the other. And here I was without my camera. I was contemplating bringing the cam for the meet up with the sisters later. Well ... It goes to show I should always stick with my gut instinct.

I wish joy for everyone. Enjoy the living time. Keep a cheer for the little people (i.e. me !).

Happy Friday !

Another 08 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I'm okay.

For now.

Melancholic was the order of the day, yesterday. I spoke to him, he lightened my mood some and then I hit the sack.

Did my whole world turn rosy overnight ? I wish, I can say that whole-heartedly. I can admit that a part of me was glad that yesterday was over and done with. And then today arrived. I was bombarded with varied weird dreams and visions. Some of the things in between wakefulness just do not make sense at all. People I see in my dreams are all the familiar faces I see everyday.

I'm glad that I'm having dreams now. For the longest time, I had not been able to have a piece of image in my subconscious mind. Weird as they may seem, I welcome them with open arms.

Dreams are the play of life on the subconscious level. They relax your mind as you relax your body. Admittedly, I would love to have those erotic dreams I used to have. I would wake up glowing with the carnal knowledge fulfilled. And all the things I want to do with that certain someone.

For now.

I am happy to be able to wake up this morning. To greet the day with a smile on my face. To be greeted by a text from him. Thank you, you are great. I miss you, loads.

Another 09 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Me + You = Alone

I've had butterflies in my stomach since I woke up this morning. As I got ready for work, I keep thinking of horrible, nasty scenarios happening at work, at home, with him.

I was restless on the school bus, unlike my tiredness nor my buzz a week ago. My mind working overdrive, I felt that something bad is going to happen. Maybe, today could be my last day in this realm ?

When I received a phone call early in the morning regarding an overstaying issue, I thought, hey this could be the cause of the unease. Well, I settled the issue as "cleanly" as possible and I thought the butterflies would quiet down. How foolish of me. So I feedback this issue to the originating party and guess what ? I'm still the one at fault. Why ? Because I've been informed that the applicant would remain in Singapore throughout the application process.

I felt so, demoralised ? Saddened ? Affected ? It seems like every bit that goes wrong (or rather not right) always fall on my shoulders. I guess, I had enough of being a fall guy ? I want to give as good as I take but if you guys know me, I'm a wimp. Coward. Courageless.


I'm gonna sit in that corner and have a bit of a cry.

Just leave me alone for now.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Missed my feeder ...

And I would have missed the school bus. It was a good thing I did not delay in the bathroom. Gosh, if I had missed the 6.33 am feeder bus, I would have missed the school bus and I would not be here posting on my blog, so early in the damn morning.

You could say I had an early night but I'm so used to waking up in the middle of the night just to check my mobile or my MSN if there were any incoming messages from him. He was sweet because he wanted me to have enough sleep ... Which I admit was quite insufficient these days. But I'll survive.

So anyways, here I am. Making the most use of work time to maximise my potential. Well, I do have aspirations to be heard. And this is my platform. No matter how small the audience is, all one of you. Hey, anymore and I can't handle it !

Right then. It's 8.00 am almost and I have to scram myself back to work mode. Until lunch time. =)

Another 11 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Monday, April 14, 2008

More updates on the missing voice

Looks like the missing voice has decided to come back after all.

Call me, call me now to hear my almost normal voice again !

Thank you for your prayers, all one of you ! :D

Me and Office ... Alone

Everyone's gone for lunch. It's just 'lil ol' me in the office on stand by. I like my alone time. I get to update my blog page. Notice how often I've done it in a day ? Well ... Things are not so hectic at work and at home so I do have the spare bit of time to indulge in my favourite past time. My other favourite past time, that is.

First and foremost, I'd like to thank all of you who had given a scream. Yup, all one of you. You know, it means so much that I have such a wide reading audience ! :P

Secondly, Man U won the match against Arsenal. For the record, no one doubted that the Red Devils will beat the Gunners. It looks like if Chelsea loses tonight, the title's as good as in the bag ! Yay for us, fans !

Finally, Cheeky Monkey will be back this week !! Happy, happy, joy, joy ! I took half a day off so I can rest, look pretty and greet him good !!! Hahaha ... No doubt we've been keeping in touch through MSN but it's different to actually speak to someone in person and see their reactions instantaneously when you touch them or comment on something. ;) So for that, I am damn happy for him to be back on home turf !! My home turf !

(Right, I sound a tad bit high. My excuse, would be the cough medicine - bottle stated "May cause drowsiness". More likely it's the happy pills, no ?)

Another 12 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Updates on the missing voice

Ah wells ... The Voice had decided to make a come back. So now, I sound less like an old hag but more like a honking goose. So. Do you think that's the road to recovery ??

Anyone of you who missed my natural voice, gimme a shout out ... :D

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Lazy Sunday

I've just finished my lunch. Yeah, I know, quite late. Well, I was online the better part of the morning and afternoon with Cheeky Monkey. And then he got disconnected because there was a power surge where he is right now. I was hanging online waiting for him to make an online appearance when he texted, major power outage.

I was hungry anyways so I had a leisurely lunch. Fish curry, my ma's style has always been my favourite. Finger licking good. Hence, my right hand now smells like curry ... No matter how hard I scrubbed and washed. Oh wells. I'll skip dinner then.

My voice's kinda come and go as it pleases. And I'm coughing now. :( Will I be on medical leave tomorrow ? I don't know ... I need to take 2 more times of meds to know how I will fare tomorrow morning. I just hope this will go away before the BBQ. I am still pretty excited and psyched for it !

Another 13 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Birthday shout out


So I went out today with the mother. Finally inspiration struck me earlier this morning for my YS birthday pressie. I had been cracking my head to give her something nice and finally it hit me. All thanks to Cheeky Monkey's text message last night. He provided the smidgen of inspiration and I went ahead and checked out with the ma. She was all right with it.

So off we went to get the pressie. In fact just came back home. I know I'm sick but hey, what's a 'lil voice lost for my YS ???

Speaking of which, she popped by in the afternoon to deliver her birthday cake ! So sweet. One for ma family and the other one for the Elder Sis'. A third of the cake for each one of us ... YUMS ! Too bad for my throat so I have to wait until I've recovered my voice to put my hands on the cake. Ah ... Heavenly !

And because of the gift to my sis, I am thinking of giving myself a birthday gift. We'll see if I could get it done with my next pay. Oooh ... I think it'd be a blast !

So anyways, I'm waiting for him to come online ... If he could !

Another 14 days to the BBQ !!! :D

No voice

Don't call me. The Sexy Voice is gone. The Voice is gone. I sound like an old hag with throat cancer. In the immortalising words of Cheeky Monkey, "You sound like my grandmother." Thanks, dude ... Such a flattering image ... But you like your grandmother so I'm not complaining. Much.

So don't call me. I can't talk. Off to the doc's soon to treat the infection. :(

I so don't want to be sick. Comfort me ? Somebody ? Anybody ? :(

Friday, April 11, 2008

Sexy voice

Call me if you want to hear my sexy voice !

Call me now ... Any topics under the sun !!!


Blame it on midnight

I'm feeling out of sorts this morning. Waking up with a cramp in my left calf, I realised it was cold (Duh !). It will rain. And it did rain on the way to the office. And so I did the double layers and up one by including my favourite green jacket.

My ex-guy loved that jacket so much so that he used to borrow it from me. And I would keep it with me for a period of time because I so did not want to wash off his scent. A good ribbing was given to me by R everytime he sees me sniffing the collar. All I have to say to R now is that you laugh then, but once you have a special someone, you wouldn't want her scent off your clothes ! Heheh ...

So anyways, the nasties are giving me a special. Feel better today, and be half dead tomorrow ! Who ever can resist that ?

Younger Sis just texted me. She said, one of our ex-teachers from primary school passed away. I will check it out as soon as the papers are sent to the LC.

All right then. I guess it's all the updates I can handle this morning.

Oh. I brought the uneaten dinner for lunch today. Ma woke up earlier and helped me to pack. I hope she's not too unhappy with me. I skipped dinner because after logging off with Cheeky Monkey, I just needed a good shower and to bed I went. It was past 11pm by the time I got out of the invigorating shower.

Old Man asked if I'd be late today but I said I'd be home early today. Hahaha ... Let's hope I can keep all my promises.

Let's hope I live long enough to see another morning tomorrow. Bleak, but realistic.

*hugs* to all the readers of this space. :D

Another 15 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Of high heels and a red dress

I'm so tired. I just came back from dinner with D, Mr G and Jeff. Well ... Considering all I had was a cup of hot Horlicks, it's not much dinner at all. My ma made chicken soup. Yummy ... That is if I'm feeling up to eating.

I'm feeling nauseous and strains of headache is forcing itself on me. A tad cheesed off too ... Imagine, kena suan all through out the day by the people in the office. Hahaha ... I think I deserve it ? Maybe la.

Oooh ... Cheeky Monkey's online. I'm gonna say hello and nurse the head. Oh wells ... Highly unlikely it's be a short session ... As always, we will end up talking to the wee hours. Haha ... Hopefully not tonight because he has an appointment with his old mates and I'm not WELL !!! :S

Another 16 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Semis, here we come

Final score line: 3 - 0 on aggregate !

Final whistle just, 1 - 0. We are not complaining ... We'll see the Liverfools for the final. Game, set ... :P

Wednesday, April 09, 2008

United V Roma

Well, we all know how this is all gonna end. A heartbreak for millions of Man United fans or jubilation for another opportunity to kick Liverpool's ass again.

And so, fans of MUFC have it all predicted out.

Next match would be Man U with Barcelona. After Liverpool kicks Chelsea's ass. Man U will have the honour in kicking Liverpool's ass. What a sweet, sweet victory !

Guys, don't let us down. Glory, glory Man United !!!

Another 17 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Dang it ... 3 hours of zzz

I promised myself that I would be more diligent in my sleeping habits. And I thought I was doing well for the past 3 nights. Knocked out before midnight. I was soooooo proud of myself. And then just a text message followed by a phone call, I fell back to my unsavoury habits.
So here I am now in the office, suffering the effects of snatches of light and too little sleep even. I was too afraid that I might wake up late and be late for work. That's not a good sign, no ? My excuse was that thousands of miles separate us and so we must make up for lost time ? Hahaha ... As if the people here really cares that you're late because your sweetheart is separated by a couple of oceans.
So for today. I'll start my caffeine drip a little bit earlier. And I guess I have to increase the dosage too.
Just for today, I'll pull through ...
Another 10 days and counting.
I miss you loads, babe. :(

Tuesday, April 08, 2008


I seriously think the nasties are after me ... I must be strong and resist the dark side of falling ill !!!

Cheerful ... Happy ... Joyful ...

My mantra for this month ... :D

Closet happiness

I'm kinda happy today. Usually I would sleep on the bus on the way to the office. This morning, I was wide awake and smiling all the way to work. I guess this is because when I woke up in the morning, there was a text from Cheeky Monkey. It's definitely a better wake-me-up than a good cuppa. *gasps* SACRILEGE ! :)

I was feeling like a cheeky monkey myself today. Good or bad ? *shrugs* I guess I just feel good today.

We had the photo taking session in the office today. Fun shots, formal shots, for the yearbook and website ... Trace and D and I, went up together, albeit reluctantly. However, it turned out to be a fun session for us, I think. Trace got her photos taken followed by me and finally D. We had a shot together just the 3 of us. Haha ... I got to smack D's butt, that made us laugh. Happy photos. Too bad R was not around. Heheh ... It would have been much more fun.

After that, the rest of the afternoon flew by in a blur. I was kinda "eating snake" as I was not really in the mood to work as the BBS was out of the office. I did the very minimal I could get away with ... Yeah, my work attitude during office hours had totally changed. I guess, I'm feeling kinda used. No matter ... :) I left the office pretty early with Mr G and D. Hitched a ride to Toa Payoh.

I wanted to meet him for dinner but I decided against it. Afterall, I'm a cheap date ... Not gonna be eating, just gonna be having a cuppa hot Horlicks ... *yums* Talking about food ...

This is the food I'd taken for the whole day ...

Breakfast - Loads of water and a cup of coffee with a 'lil Strawberry Milk

Lunch - Loads of water, 1/4 french loaf with margarine and kaya spread and left over cup of coffee with a 'lil Strawberry Milk

Tea Break - Loads of water, 2 pieces white bread with chicken sausages and another cup of coffee with leftover Strawberry Milk

Dinner - Loads of water and maybe a cup of Horlicks (maybe as in if I'm too lazy to boil water, I'll forgo the Horlicks)

So anyways ... I am wasting time online. Gonna hit the sack soon. Early to bed and early to rise. Must maintain my cheerful outlook this month !

Another 18 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Monday, April 07, 2008

Set ...

Place ? Check.

Food ? Check.

Guests ? Check.

What else am I lacking in/of ?

Entertainment ? Hmmmm ....

I'm sooooooooo excited !!!! Another 19 days to the BBQ !!! :D

Sunday, April 06, 2008

Similar but not alike

I was just wasting time online earlier. Surfing and reading Cheeky Monkey's blog page when I realised that we both started online journaling right about the same month of the same year ! Coincidence, really. More daft than anything.

I'm absolutely nuts !

I met up with my ex-guy earlier. Well. He convinced me. I really don't know how to say 'No'. I know I should. I know I could. I know I would. *sighs*

It's all a big mystery to me really. Maybe as I told CM, I should drop both of them and not think of anybody else. After all, I'm behaving like such a hussy, who'd want me ?

I told him to give me more time. He claims to want to be just friends for now. I don't believe it. Or should I ?

Uh-oh ...

I woke up with a blocked nose and nasties at the back of my throat. I'm coming down with the flu bug !!! Ah ... Stay away from me 'yer eviiil demons !!!

I cannot afford to be ill this month. I had a horrible birthday month last year so this year I don't want to be ill. I've made plans for a nice relaxing week leading up to the big candle blowing session. No way and no how I'm gonna let the nasties come after me.

So now, I am loading up on the vitamins and water. Staying away from the late nights and the caffeine (as if !).

I will not let you get me down this year. *shakes fist* Dammit if I do !!!

On a side note, I'm gonna be meeting up with him later. Maybe I can get the bugs to stay with me for a wee bit ? Afterall, who can resist the charms of a sick person ??? *evil grin*

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Fw: The husband store - an interesting story about women

This was making itself known on my work mailbox ...

Personally, I would not even go into the building ... I am not getting married, yo !

The Husband Store

A store that sells husbands has Just opened in New York City, where A woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates. You may visit the store ONLY ONCE !

You may choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the Building! So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband.

On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord

The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and love kids.

The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, and are extremely good looking "Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.

She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:
Floor 4 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop-dead good looking and help with the housework. "Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!"

Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are drop-dead gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.

She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 6 - You are visitor 4,363,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please

Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit the building, and have a nice day!

Enjoy !

Feeling like love

My needs from my lover are simple.

I just need love, peace and kindness. And probably respect in the mornings. Are those too much too ask for ? He said all he can give me right now is lurve. I respect that as I know where everything will end up two months from now.

And now that he's many miles away, I think my inital reservations to his attention should have have been something I should have stuck to. I feel restless not speaking to him. I worry for his well being. I feel weird not having him on the same island.

Perhaps I'm in way over my head. I know I can't handle getting physical without getting my heart involved.

So here I am writing this here and not in my other active blog page. Well, I might add this later on when I could be more rational. For now, I don't want him to see this and feel guilty for not being able to give me more than he could.


Made so many plans for the weekend. However, when the time comes, I'm jus too lazy to follow through. So right about now, I was just planning to stay in and finish my books. Sleep. Have something bit to eat and continue my marathon reading session. Sounds like a bliss, no ?

Especially when the person you most want to spend the weekend with is away. =(

No matter, I will still enjoy each day as it comes. Why ? Because I know he will too !

Hey, Cheeky Monkey. Have a most fun trip and don't forget what I always ask you to do ! =D

Friday, April 04, 2008

No worries

He called. Cheeky Monkey just called. I was waiting to hear from him the whole day. I texted him this morning because I got a bit worried. Haha ... A bit ? I think I was a whole lot worried !

So anyways. He called and he's safe and I'm glad.

Now, if only I could stop missing him.

Physically tired but mentally weird

I tried to sleep but I kept waking up and thinking bad thoughts. Bad thoughts of something happening to Cheeky Monkey. I know, unreasonable. I didn't hear from him at all and I got a bit worried. Ah. Please let this be an unfounded worry.

The thoughts that something horrible might befell him caused me to take off early from work today. I left early wih a couple of errands to run. I guess, I was tired of putting a fake face at work when all I could do was to fret. I didn't even have any appetite for lunch, even when I had an early breakfast of cereal and milk. I finally ate at 2 because I remember the errands I have to do so I would not faint of hunger later. I was a right non-happy camper today. After my earlier post today, I felt like such a stoopid old cow. Haha. So after my errands, work errands, I walked.

I walked and walked and walked from the heart of the city, all the way to the outskirts of town. More specifically, from Maxwell Road to Suntec City. I walked and walked, partly to think and partly to tire myself out so that I would fall into a dreamless sleep later and not have any nightmares. Then I would wake up tomorrow morning and see a text from CM and then, voila !

No worries.

I wish.

So here I am, after tossing and turning and snatching half hour catnaps, checking my mobile for any incoming texts.

Get a grip woman. He's alright. He's okay, just having fun. Relax and don't fret so much. Well, if I tell this to myself long enough, I might actually believe it.

The whole sad story

I thought I could cope. My ex-guy is an understanding person. But at the first sign of disenchantment, I swerved and missed the signs. And I fled from him for the other guy. The guy who tempted me so. And we promised nothing but good and fun times.
I saw the signs, way in advance. I told myself I could handle all that will be thrown at me. Little did I realise I'd grown soft. Soft in the head and heart.
As a result, there is no way I could have anticipated this. This being ? The day after the night he left.
It was nice just being with him on the ride over to the airport. Holding hands and just talking. Having a late supper, smelling his scent as I leaned over to whisper something.
I so missed him. But then, this is only the first day of the "separation". Bad idea really to get so physical, so fast.
I need a distraction.
Or I just need to sleep. 8 hours of proper sleep. =)

Thursday, April 03, 2008

You don't have to say you love me

Yes, dear. You don't even have to say you lurve me. I can take care of myself. I am a big girl. I am in this with my eyes wide open.

I am having fun. You're making me laugh more these days. I like flirting with you. Trying hard to get a touch or a taste. I like 'em all.

I think being such a resident responsible good girl is bad for me. So now, he knows that I am just a good time girl. Haha ... Cheeky Monkey calls me a Playmate. I play for him, I play with him. That I like very much. :P

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Defining moments

Well, I could say we had finally come to a resolution to our mutual attraction to each other.

I just wished we didn't have so many hang ups or overthinking. Let us enjoy this for now, until we are both prepared to get serious. Not with each other, of course. As I've said. Too much hang ups and overthinking !

He sent me home ! All the way to the East and back to his boondocks. For that he deserved a big wet kiss from me ! ;D

Here it comes !

The month of April !!!

My birthday month. I love it !

I love it ! I love it ! I love it ! I love it ! I love it ! I love it ! I love it ! I love it ! I love it ! I love it !