silentscream Search

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Making a meal out of it

Meals are complicated businesses. When to have, what to have, where to have and how much to have.

Last night was a bit of an episode. Dinner was something I had looked forward to. Ma had made noodle chicken meatball soup. The smell of the soup filled the house and my nostrils when I stepped in the door. I had not had a proper meal in the day (which I shall not elaborate, for fear of abject disapproval from the Dear !) and so I was anticipating dinner. The scent of the pepper in the soup and the chunky pieces of chicken excited the senses and whetted my appetite. I was literally salivating every time I entered the kitchen.

However, patience was what was exercised. Dear said he will come by for dinner and so I waited for him to arrive. Ma popped in to say dinner was ready at 6-ish and I told her I'll have it later. She said noodles are ready and I asked if there was rice. She asked if Dear was coming by, he would prefer to have the rice. So Ma cooked a pot of rice.

Dear came by and we were both famished. I went to the kitchen to get my bowl of noodles and prepared rice for dinner. That was when Elder Sis said there was no more noodles. She had just taken a bowl to feed the kids and only bee hoon was left. She then said in a very unhappy tone that Ma had just boiled a packet of the yellow mee. I told her I'm fine with the rice or bee hoon but she was already preparing to boil another pack of noodles. Ma heard and interjected and then loud voices all round.

I was so fed up, I put back the crockery and told Dear that we should leave and have dinner outside. He was perplexed by the episode and left to me to decide. I packed up my stuff and changed.

Told Ma that I was leaving and she was upset that we didn't have the food. She then started to pack up the food for us to bring back. By then, I had lost my hunger and appetite. I told her there wasn't a need to and she said there was so much left and who will finish it. I said if there isn't enough then we do not need to have the food and I wanted to just walk away from the unhappiness. She started the waterworks and got Ayu to pass the food to us as we were walking towards the lift.


So we had dinner and dinner. Went home and sulked a little bit more.

Dear made sandwiches for breakfast for me. Easy, fast, no fuss affairs. I'd rather go without food but then the committee of enquiry aka Dear will be on my case. So better to accept then to argue.

Meals, really are complicated business. Dear asked where shall we go for dinner tonight. I have a feeling it will all end in petty arguments and major sulking.

P/S: Naturally I felt bad after deciding to skip dinner at home. I should had just had dinner there and let all the bad stuff float overhead. I should also have thought of the Dear. He was tired and hungry, having travelled an hour plus from work to come back to my place.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Note to self

I am not a patient person. I am stubborn and I want things to go my way. Case in point, the names of our future kids.

The Dear wanted to have the kids (or kid) names to include his ancestral and surname. I want the kids' names to be simple. The name and the kids' dad's name. That is "something Dear". Easy and simple to remember.

However, Dear was quite insistent to have his surname on the birth certificates. Insisted even if it means having to drop his ancestral names. Dear's name is four words long consisting of 42 characters excluding spaces. Imagine that ! His name is just 5 characters long and that would mean the kids having more than 42 characters in their names ! Imagine the time taken to fill up their names in tiny boxes and then having to "darken the corresponding circles" in the OAS during exams ! *faints*

And then the Dear added. He wants the kids to have two names. Each reflecting their parents' different cultures and backgrounds. Then I fumed. And I sulked. And I blow the house down. Guess who was not the happy camper ? There was another underlying reason for the vehmence of my disagreement but it's another story to be told at another time.

So anyways. For now, we had come to some kind of truce. It's peace time until the next event to engage protest and demonstrations. Let us enjoy the tranquility until then. Who knows, we may not even have any kids at all so any arguments is kind of a moot point. At the rate we are going, chances are, by the time we are ready to have kids, we'd be too old and decrepit to have any. As the French say, "Cest la vie !"

Thursday, November 17, 2011


So there is this lady who works in the same place as me. Not in the same area or field of work but the same employer.

I see her every morning on the way to work. We would take the same route and bus services. We both get on the same bus at different stops. Alight at the same stops. But we don't talk. We don't acknowledge each other's presence.

There was a time when I first started the route and I recognise her and I thought of smiling. When I did, we got to chatting. And then I realised why I choose not to socialise with known parties in the morning. Same conversations, same sad answers.

Somehow it got to the point where I would quickly get my iPod running and my eyes shut to catch a wee bit of snooze in the morning. She got the point really quickly. And we stopped talking. We stopped acknowledging each other's presence.

A little sad ?

I still see her most days, chatting up random school kids on the bus. Kids who lived far from their schools, kids who were unfortunate enough to smile and acknowledge her presence.

We don't that do we ? We don't chat up random strangers on the bus unless we experience a commonality. We don't open up to strangers like the older folks do. We prefer to keep to our company, blasting our music devices, playing on our smartphones.

What a state of apathy we had embraced.

But whatever said and done, I would rather have my apathy than having to chat incessantly on the different ways to get to work.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

A Very Fine Scare !

My iMac just gave me a little scare earlier.

I had not been "playing" with it in quite a while and so since the aircon maintenance fellas are coming round for the quarterly year checks.

Dear had moved the iMac from the main bedroom to the other room with its clean and spacious table. So there I was utilising my Mac in full when I noticed a wee bit of fuzzy spot over some of the news articles. Weird. Earlier, the screen was also flashing white light and there was intermittent lapses in the movement of the mouse. Initially I thought it was the webpage refreshing, so I didn't pay much attention to it.

Anyways, it seemed to me that the blurry, fuzzy spot had grown in size and the Mac was like super hot !

I told my Dear and he touched the area on the screen with the fuzzy spot. We had thought it was just a smudge on screen but wiping away didn't help. Then Dear said it could be condensation behind the screen. He viewed it from the side and there was gap in between. Oh no !

My new iMac !

So Dear told me to shut it down and call the Service Centre. And then we went on a search of my Apple Care Protection box with the receipt. He kept saying it was a good thing that we had listened to my Boss who advised us to get the plan when I bought the iMac. Where was it ? I remember I had registered it here but I could have done it in the office. Oh, where is the darn box !!!

I called the Service Centre after searching my email on the TouchPad. Finally, a number to be called for help for my poor iMac ! Meanwhile, Dear said it'd be better to get some photos of the fuzzy spot. Once the machine had shut down, there was a misshapen shape of white on the black screen.

Waited 15 minutes to speak to a service operator, panicking if my iMac is doomed for life ! While waiting on the line I searched for similar incidences online via the TouchPad. Thank you for the mobile devices and wireless network (courtesy of the Dear !) !

Eventually spoke to someone with an American accent and he assured me the heating up of the machine is quite normal. Seriously ?!?

Well. I am glad to say, as per advised by the service guy, it is a one off thing. I got my case number and was told to call again if the condensation happens again. I've been advised to switch on the machine and use it as per normal. So far, so good.

But. What a very fine scare to be had !


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Google Forms !

I have graduated from an ignorant of Google Forms to creating two online forms in a week ! I know the forms are simple to complete and even simpler to create but the idea behind it is so clever ! All thanks to my Boss !

A Gift for him

I went about town yesterday to get a gift for the Dear one for our anniversary on Thursday. Got home, left it and went out to West Mall to return my library books before meeting him for dinner. We had junk food again ! But the junk food was nice. I went French and he had Italian. Hahaha .. If you hadn't guess it, yes, we went to BK. I love the French chicken sandwich ! Gimme, gimme more. Writing about it is causing me to produce additional saliva. Hahaha ... It is breakfast time, anyways. :-)

On the way back, I asked Dear if he wanted his gift now or on the day itself. He said now so I had to make him "work for it". Gave him clues as to where the item was. He had a bit of a hard time looking for it in plain sight !

When he unwrapped it finally, I am just glad he liked them ! Thanks, Babe ! I love you, mostest !

Friday, October 21, 2011

End of the first week

What a week this has been ! All the trauma of going back for class and exams albeit a short one is something you will never forget. You go to school, you try to learn what was being taught. You deal with friends and non-friends. Hahaha. Kinda like now. Life lessons, never leaving you until the day you die. If you learn.

Moving on, I met the Boyfriend last night at VivoCity. Finally a dinner out after a long while of packing food from home ! It was a quite frustrating wait because I spent more than 1.5 hrs journeying to the meet up place and then to have the Boyfriend saying that he's "leaving work now" at half past six ! So as usual, I went on a mini tantrum while waiting for him to arrive.

All is well after getting what we needed to get and walked over to HarbourFront Centre for dinner. Went on a mini shopping spree at The BodyShop before heading home. Whoever can resist a bottle of Moroccan Rose eau de toilette ? Not me, apparently...

The Boyfriend had gotten a new mobile in the day and he was "not playing" with it when we got home. A HTC Sensation, which he had wanted to get prior if not for the cost. And now, he's eyeing the HTC Sensation XE. If not for the initial price, he would had gotten it. Anyways, he is using his new mobile today since all his contacts had been "magically" imported from his HTC Magic to his HTC Sensation. Hahaha ... HTC Magic-Sensation !

As for me ? I'm waiting to get the Galaxy Nexus. Ice cream sandwich, wait for me ! :-)

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I am at a better place

When I think of where I was last year at this time, I didn't think I could have a great work place and a supportive Boss. Where I was last year at this time, I had just settled down after a painful couple of months starting over at a new place. Ian was on hand. Elin had come on board and I had friends. I had people who can commiserate and understand how things work there.

Now. I am settling down again. I have friends who are only a phone call away. I have colleagues whom I had finally allowed to see some of the real me. I have a boss whom I can work for without having to question my conscience and morality every day.

What a difference a whole year make !

I really, really enjoy my work and the kids. I didn't even mind that much the lapses in service and grief the IT department had given me earlier. I am also so darn glad that I do not have some know-it-all trying to micromanage the way I work.

Thank you for giving me the strength to move forward. Thank you for giving me a chance to face the fear  of change.

Peace, out.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Passed !!!

Full score for the theory paper and I didn't screw up too much on the practical component !

Woo-hoo !!! First Aid, trained ! :-D

First Aid Training Course

I'm onto my third and final day of the course.

As advised, it will end with an assessment, practical and theory. Currently, I am panicking because I think my practical is kinda sucky. I can't tie a proper reef knot. I always lose count when I do the CPR on the mannequin. I can't figure out the correct side to start an elevation sling !

The trainer had said that it will be so difficult to fail but I think I may be the first candidate to do so ! Hahaha... Hopefully, HR doesn't make me pay for the course when I flunk it ! :-P

Anyways, gotta go through the text again. AT least I can try to pass the theory portion of it. But what are the 3Ps, 4Cs & RICE ???


Monday, October 17, 2011

He who say the untruths

I am sad and disappointed. I had hoped things between us would be back to normal. I would be able to spend more time with him and just be in his company. Doing things or not doing things together. As long as we are together.

And yet. He has to work. Mondays to Saturdays. And sometimes the temptation to work on Sundays.

He said, "Give me two weeks. I'm sure after the move, I will be home on time. More or less. Please Darling. Just give me these two weeks."

And I tried to give him his two weeks. Begrudgingly, I did. In actuality, it was probably less than two weeks before I flew off the handle again. Spending time by myself in the empty house. Waiting for him to arrive so we can have dinner together. Sleeping later than my usual time because I am waiting up for him. Having only 4 hours of sleep everyday just so I can spend a bit more time with him.

It's been two weeks. And yet.

I am still alone now at home by myself. Having come from my place with dinner as Ma is always nice and generous enough to pack for us. And yet.

He is still at work.

I am sad and disappointed. I am fed up with him saying, "I'll try to be early today." And yet.

I do not see him at all still at this time.

Maybe I should pack my stuff and go off. Since I am not understanding nor tolerant of his late evenings, I should go and spend my time with the people who would want me around.

I am sad and disappointed. And yet.

I just need to vent.


Saturday, October 08, 2011

Something I did to pass time

This was what I did last weekend during the invigilation to pass time. Finding as many words as possible from these words, which was basically candy on the table. I really, really had a bad cough and I was invigilating an exam for pharmacists ! Hahaha...

pepper, mint, pep, pet, met, meet, term, prep, mere, tin, perm, enter, per, peer, preen, pint, pen, rent, rep, rim, print, temp, tip, pit, pent, ten, net, men, pimp, imp, pip, pipe, piper, pin, nit, nip, mire, remit, emit, permit, time, tipper, minter, prim, primp, pert, prime, tripe, ripe, rip, ripen.

straw, berry, warts, wart, raw, war, star, bray, brays, ray, rays, say, trays. tray, rats, rat, eats, seat, eat, ate, sate, rate, rates, years, year, ears, ear, wears, wear, bears, bear, bares, bare, are, rare, rest, starry, wrest, best, yes, yeast, beast, sat, set, sew, saw, was, wars, sweat, wet, wets, stew, stab, bays, bay, waste, stay, baste, brats, brat, breast, sty, sear, web, webs, brews, brew, tab, tabs, bats, bat, way, sway, ways, tar, tars, weary, tarry, bet, bets, era, rears, rear, tears, tear, tea, yet, west, east, art, arts, teary, tare, wares, satyr, try, wry, beats, beat, sweat, swab, stray, arty.

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Exam Saturday

As usual, I had succumbed to my favourite weekend duty. Exam invigilation !

This time, it's on for the whole day and it was just CM, me and Eric, the main guy.

After which CM and I went to the Salvation Army next door to check out for any thing worth checking out for ! CM managed to get a couple of things and then we went home to change before going out to get pressies and meeting up with CM's friends for dinner and birthday celebrations for a couple of them.

We went to Kino and Dear got a couple of books and coupled with the cards we bought earlier at Salvation Army, we made our way to the Turkish restaurant in the outskirts of town. Received a call from Elin and we planned to meet later after dinner because she sounded really distressed.

Dinner was good, at least food wise. Service, however was horrendous. Really lacking in attentiveness and promptness. Well, I understand that it was a Saturday night and the crowds do come in hoardes, it doesn't give them the excuse to be brusque with the other patrons. Really, the restaurant just lost my business as even though the food was excellent in taste, texture and presentation, the service staff just left a very bad, lasting after taste.

Initial plan was to just stay for a little while as we were out and about since morning but we ended up staying until the closing time, just chatting and making merry. Eventually, we made our way to meet Elin and decided for coffee and dessert. Chatted for a while and Dear got a bit heated up by some thoughtless youths.

We got into a little tiff, but Dear must be seething inside. Guess, tiredness really had overcame him. Finally we call it a night and made our way home, exhausted. There goes our weekend ! Today, we shall not do anything but rest. Keyword: rest !


Saturday, September 17, 2011

Welcome to the World !

Celebrating my 10th year in the work force ! Woo-hoo..

Back in charge again

As usual, I have been "sent" away from where I had been able to assert my independence and start my adulthood. More responsibilities, making difficult choices, being a partner to the one who cares enough to put up with my idiosyncrasies and whims, I am away from it this weekend.

Not by choice, nor by force. Something that had to be done. Time to be by myself. Catch up on my personal thoughts and family. Time to be away for us to be single and yet still a double.


Now let's start by not "broadcasting" this personal moment to the whole wide world.

Darling, I love you. Have a wonderful time and I'll see you soon, real soon !

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Happy Birthday, Sayang!

To the man who is kind-hearted, generous, moral and wonderfully marvellous:

May your years be washed with sweet happiness always.
May you bring joy to those priviledged to be in your inner circle.
May you find peace and share your laughter with the world.
May you love and live through the worst and especially the best of times!


Saturday, April 30, 2011

Long Weekend Outlook

Overcast, wet, drizzly, rainy, generally downcast.

Under the duvet, covers. Huddling for warmth. Non-laundry day. :-(

Friday, April 29, 2011

To The Polls, We Go !

So I am to finally give my vote. To have a say in the way the country's directions and policies are run. This elections being the year where almost all the GRCs or SMCs are being contested by the Opposition Parties.

Exciting stuff !

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Post Birthday

A surprise cake and fizzy drinks from Umie for the birthday.

Hah. Older, feels much more than my three decades.

The kids shared the lovely, pink cake.

Thanks, Sis ! :-D

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Advanced Gifts and Pressies

The first one was delivered last Wednesday. Exactly a week prior to the 30th. A dozen pink and red roses mixed with white carnations wrapped in a pink netting. Included together were a trio of farmyard animals and a bracelet with a key and a heart.

The second present was "dropped off" on Saturday. A bottle of perfume, Sunflowers from Elizabeth Arden. The light and fresh scent was a hit with me. How then can I stop squirting the perfume bottle and to be able to use it sparingly, I never knew.

Ah. So now I know the game. A gift given every 3 - 4 days leading up to the big day. I did a similar thing for our 3rd Anniversary. A gift a day, for three days. So how will this end ?

Third and final gift ? Monday evening. A pair of headphones had mysteriously appeared out of Dear's bag. A Creative. A funky pair of headphones from Creative. I love them ! I love all my pressies !

Thank you, sweet one ! I love you !

And a Happy Birthday (30 big ones !) to me ! :-D

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Best In Me - Blue

From the moment I met you I just knew you'd be mine
You touched my hand
And I knew that this was gonna be our time
I don't ever wanna lose this feeling
I don't wanna spend a moment apart

'Cos you bring out the best in me, like no-one else can do
That's why I'm by your side, and that's why I love you

Every day that I'm here with you
I know that it feels right
And I've just got to be near you every day and every night
And you know that we belong together
It just had to be you and me

'Cos you bring out the best in me, like no-one else can do
That's why I'm by your side, and that's why I love you

And you know that we belong together, It just had to be you and me

'Cos you bring out the best in me, like no-one else can do
That's why I'm by your side
'Cos you bring out the best in me, like no-one else can do
That's why I'm by your side, and that's why I love you
'Cos you bring out the best in me, like no-one else can do
That's why I'm by your side, and that's why I love you

Monday, April 25, 2011

Of Anger and Hurtful Words

Things have not been too good for the younger Sis and hubby. There was anger. There were silly, spiteful actions. There were too many hurtful words and comments. If there was a way to bridge the differences, my take was to sit down and have a heart to heart talk with one another. Discard the anger and the ego. Think of the two young and innocent lives at stake. Think of the two kids who still needs their Mom and Dad. For the Mom and Dad to protect them. To keep the bad at bay. To tell them they are afterall the most precious and important part of their lives.

Bro and Sis. I hope you guys will manage. Big decisions, big consequences. But whatever, the outcome, we trust you have thought of the best interests of your kids.

Take care.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Flu Bug!

I'd been bitten. Nose is blocked and the throat is scratchy. I've been having the symptoms for the past few days. Body aches and loss of appetite. All thanks to a "dearest" colleague. She had lost her voice for two days and yet she still refused to take a day off to recuperate. This resulted in another colleague being on medical leave last Thursday. Where is the social care and civic-mindedness of people like my "dearest" colleague?

Now I'm worried for my youngest niece. She, who is with a weakened immune system was hanging out at my place for the past couple of days. It will be much of a hassle for my sister if her daughter should fall ill. GRRRR..

I shoulda stayed away from home whilst I'm sick but I do want to see my Ma and was hoping for nice home cooked meals.

Ah wells. If I'm no better tomorrow, I'll pop by the doctor's and get some medication. Although that option will blow my chance of popping by the blood bank this weekend. Hopefully I'll get better soon without the need of additional meds. *fingers crossed*

Saturday, April 23, 2011

3 Points In The Bag

Is 3 points in the bag is 3 points in the bag is 3 points in the bag.. Woo-hoo !

As you can see, I am pretty happy and psyched that the Devils won the match tonight. It's all about maximum points and being top of the table at the end of the 2010/2011 BPL Season. We should be Champions again and again.

Cheers ! Here's to breaking and making worthy records ! :-D

Friday, April 22, 2011

Laid Back and Muggy, Hot Afternoon!

It was a scorcher of a day.

Hot and sweaty is an understatement!

Spent the day and evening playing with the nieces and nephews. Aniqah is walking. Tottering more like it. What a cute lil' darling!

Aaliyah was reading to me earlier. Her reading skills have improved tremendously. Now if only my dad had not been so discouraging in his remarks.

All in all. A damn good day spent with the loved ones. :-)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Silly, tired, argumentative

I was being a Bitch. Tired and achy all over, the plan was to reach home and crash. It felt like a long week even though it's just four days of work, this week being Good Friday public holiday.

I guess it was not fair for me to expect my Dear to be back on time but I had hoped to have dinner and a hug ready when I reached home. Not the case.

I was a Bitch. Full stop. No excuses, no finger pointing.

But Dear knows how to turn my frown upside down and straightened my furrowed brows. Just that touch and the kind tone and I am soothed. There are bigger problems and issues to contend with than to stay pissy with him.

I love you, Babesy Boo.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Key To His Heart

A dozen pink and red roses in partial bloom. Nestled in a pink net cloth. A trio of hugging barnyard animals. And. A bracelet with a key and a heart with a note to state his intentions.

A gift for me. A birthday present to end the roaring twenties and mark the beginning of the glorious thirties. Bring it on! :-)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

One Love - The Carpenters

One love in my young life
Took me somewhere I had never been
And I want to live again, breathe again
In the shelter of his brightly woven love song
So long I have wanted love to be
Sitting just this near to me
Now my waiting heart is free

(*) Few are the choices we are given
The sands of time pass quickly by
One dream of my young life
Now stands holding out his hand to me
Now I can't help but believe that my whole life will be
Spent in one love

Repeat (*)

Spent in one love
Spent in one love

Monday, April 18, 2011

Friends are Friends

I must admit I do not make friends easily. I am easy to get along with but I am not easy to be friends with. Ask any of my friends if they had been at the brunt end of my nasty temper. Better yet, ask the Boyfriend. He was a great pal. But he is a wonderful Boyfriend.

So today, with some time on my hands and with the work internet connection being down, I had decided to text a few people I had not kept in touch in quite a while.

There was Charlotte, an ex-colleague who was great when the chips were down a year ago. And then there was Mariam, a good time pal/Sis. Also not forgetting Jasline, my wonderful, positive thinking "Da-Jie". My BFF from sec school, Shaheeda, who is a teacher now (*gasps*). And my Cuz, Ju who is truly, truly a joy to talk to.

It was great fun texting them over the few hours today. Some replied almost immediately, while others took a bit of time to text a message back. No matter, I thank you guys who are my friends. Be it now or then. Thank you for the companionship when I didn't even think I needed it.

My friends, I remember you when you gave me that time to get to know you. I am grateful and thankful for the fact you made me a friend.

Cheers ! To all the friends you have out there, remember that they are friends for a reason. The reason being you !

Happy Friendship Day !

P/S: I know that today is NOT the official Friendship Day but why should we abide by a specific date when any day can be designated as a Friendship Day to celebrate your friends and the ties they bind ! :-)

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sun Dried, Fresh Smelling and Clean Laundry

A very good day to clear the laundry today. The sun was out in full force today and all three loads of my washing are dried to a crisp with the added bonus of the sun scent. Just the way clothes should be done!

This makes me happy and it is satisfying to do the housework. :-D

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Stuffed Jalapenos

I'm sleepy.

Woke up super early this morning. Went to KFC for breakfast and tried the blueberry pancakes. Quite lovely. Wish there were more berries in the cakes, though. Heh. Dear was also quite keen in getting the Samsung Galaxy Tab after we stopped by the Samsung roadshow after my visit to the Singtelshop.

Sheets of rain fell in the afternoon today. Hence we cancelled the plans to go home for a free lunch. Instead we stayed in and played Fifa 2004 and Midtown Madness 2. I downloaded and installed the new Angry Birds Rio. Naturally I got addicted and used up all my phone battery charge. Ah wells..

We skipped lunch and had dinner straight. New item to try on the Botak's Favourites menu. Stuffed jalapenos! Coated jalapenos stuffed with cheese eaten with a tartar sauce dip. Spicy! Yummy! Try it! :-D

I'm sleepy.. *yawns*

Friday, April 15, 2011


I went on a date tonight.

Right now, we are having coffee and a natter at CoffeeBean. We decided to have dinner later after a walk just to get to know one another. He held my hand as we were walking and crossing the roads. I clung to his arm while avoiding the big wet puddles of water on the pavement.

We couldn't decide where to go for dinner initially. So, after much discussion of the food places, we decided to have Japanese. Before we had our dinner, we popped over to the library for a bit. Another way of getting to know each other. Our likes and dislikes of fiction and/or non-fiction reads.

Dinner was nice affair. We had ramen and udon each and shared some sushi and sashimi. Turns out to be a big fav, Japanese food. He suggested a movie after dinner was done but I decided we should have coffee and chat just to get to know each other even better.

Hahaha. And here I am blogging about the date that was not done yet! Anyways. I will keep you posted on how the date will end tonight. Maybe a tiny peck on the cheek? *winks*

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Crazy - Gnarls Barkley


Songwriters: Burton, Brian Joseph; Callaway, Thomas Decarlo; Reverberi, Gian Piero; Reverberi, Gianfranco

I remember when, I remember
I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place
Even your emotions have an echo in so much space

And when you're out there without care
Yeah, I was out of touch
But it wasn't because I didn't know enough
I just knew too much

Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?
Does that make me crazy?

And I hope that you are
Having the time of your life
But think twice
That's my only advice

Come on now, who do you
Who do you, who do you, who do you think you are?
Ha ha ha, bless your soul
You really think you're in control?

Well, I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
I think you're crazy
Just like me

My heroes had the heart
To lose their lives out on a limb
And all I remember
Is thinking, I want to be like them

Ever since I was little
Ever since I was little
It looked like fun
And it's no coincidence I've come
And I can die when I'm done

But maybe I'm crazy
Maybe you're crazy
Maybe we're crazy


Click on the title of the song at the top of the post to view the vid clip. Sorry I am not able to embed it from youtube so you guys need to click on the link to view. Watch it. Good vid!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

WiFi me!

Got the new and faster connection set up at home today. Woo-hoo ! I'm finally WiFi-ed. Wired for sound, everywhere (almost) in the house. Woo-hoo !

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy Birthday, Wawa!

Gave the ol' Sis a birthday lunch treat. Both Dear and I planned it quite well, I think. Wawa didn't expect anything so the surprise is even much sweeter !

May she and her family unit be blessed with health and wealth always. Insya Allah.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Express Thai Food

Where else but at Thai Express !!!

Dinner was a yummy Tom Yum Fish Soup. Although the soup was a tad bit salty and sour, it was nicely spiced and hot. Ahhhh ... Just what the doctor ordered for this cold, wet, drizzly evening. :-D

There is a humongous, mother of an ulcer at the back of my throat right now. Ouch !!!

Grrrrr ....

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lie In Sunday

I had always had plans to spend my weekends outdoors, doing outdoorsy type of things. But every weekend will pass by and I will stuck at home (by choice, mind you), watching the telly. The Big, Bad Telly !

The only outdoorsy things I get to do each weekend is hanging the laundry out if and when the weather permits. And sweeping the corridor outside the flat and tend to my pretty plants. Technically speaking, not my flat nor my plants. But I have grown to love them. The way they flourish when you water them daily, how I help the gotukola wound itself round the pot because it is a vine like plant and most of the time back in Sri Lanka, the plant grow free on the ground.

There was once when the plants I took care flourished so much that we had decided to use it as one of our dishes. It made me sad to have to retard and disrupt their growth but the plants were grown to be eaten and if they were not harvested, the leaves will turn yellow and die anyways. Although I was a bit cautious of eating the plants, once they were cooked, they seemed edible enough. So far, nothing had happened to us.

And so, my weekends are usually spent on the QT and being "housewifey". Sometimes it gets difficult because Dear tries his best to wriggle out of the chores and then the nagging starts. Haha.. Just like an old married couple.

Anyways, gotta hit the bed soon. Dear is calling me now. Ta ! :-)

Saturday, April 09, 2011

Saturday Night (Fancy) Dinner

I had wanted to spend the day at home. Playing games on the XBOX or just mindlessly surfing the internet, clearing my inbox, playing online games or chatting with friends. Instead, we woke up late. Had a late lunch. And now we are off swanning to a fancy dinner at the behest of a friend. At the drop of a hat with not much of a warning, we agreed, succumbed to an emotional blackmail.

All in the name of friendship.

Ah wells.

Here's to an enjoyable time..


Friday, April 08, 2011

Movie Night !!!

Woo-hoo !

Two movies back to back ! Hop followed by Rio. Destination: GV Marina. Just left the office about 17 minutes ago. Mentally tired and drained, so a wee bit of entertaining sounds much fun. I am on the way to meet Dear as I am posting this. Mobile blogger, me !

Woo-hoo !

Thursday, April 07, 2011

First Win & Bag Shopping

We won at the Stamford Bridge this morning. Hooray for The Devils ! Glory, glory Man United ! One leg in the door. So we just have to make sure we will not F it up. Oops ! I swore ! I will be banned for two posts. *ahakz*

And so we went bag shopping after dinner. Dear is soooooooooo happy with his purchase ! Hurrah !

Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Game On!

Big quarterfinal 1st leg at the Stamford Bridge. A must win encounter for a psychological edge. Glory, glory Man United!

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Burning down the effigies!

The ideals and idea of work is so unrealistic. We think that our work place are the haven we seek because we work for the cash it brings in every month. We need to work because we have a life to live and people who depends on us. We have loans to pay and we have to put food on the table for which nothing is free.

We become jaded and we drag our feet every morning and every day of the work week. We want to do more than we can.

So. We have to make a stand. We have to demand that the effigies are burnt. Burn the unrealistic ideas and ideals!

Monday, April 04, 2011

Sleep is the Answer!

As with anything that I believe is that everything starts with the head. And so. Having a number of hours of sleep had somewhat settled the upset tummy. The tummy which had been starved and stuffed depending on which part of the week I'm in. And so. To make me pay attention to it, the tums-tums had decided that enough's enough.

Rebellion sets in and at 4.42 am this morning, it had decided an uprising. And it was a good one. I paid attention.

I did and that is why I had the number of hours of sleep. In the middle of the day. And now that I or rather the meds had calmed the rebelling tummy, I will not cause it to be alarmed no more.

"I hear 'ya!" says the Head.

"You'd better or else.." A threat not to be taken lightly. :-P

Sunday, April 03, 2011

That just bites!

Not happy camper right now. To be so hopeful and then to have those hopes dashed and crashed.

So totally bites!

And not just for the Dear. Sri Lanka lost the match.. :'-(

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Wicketed Out!

Watching a live cricket World Cup final between Sri Lanka and India. Sri Lanka was batting first and had set up a respectable run chase for India; to win the Indians must get 275 runs. And so the story is now that India is in the middle of their inning and they are 3 wickets down. Things are looking good for the Sri Lankans if they can get more wickets.

The key is now to get all out and win comfortably. With at least a couple of hours of game time left the deal is for me to stay and keep on watching the match. Good or bad! So to keep up my end of the deal, I will be watching. Watching to see more wickets!

By the way, Dear said there is no such term as "wicketed out". It's just "wicket". And that means out! :-)

Friday, April 01, 2011

Ugly - Sugababes

When I was 7
They said I was strange
I noticed that my eyes and hair weren't the same
I asked my parents if I was OK
They said you're more beautiful
And that's the way they show that they wish
That they had your smile
So my confidence was up for a while
I got real comfortable with my own style
I knew that they were only jealous cos

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you
So are you

There was a time when I felt like I cared
That I was shorter than everyone there
People made me feel like life was unfair
And I did things that made me ashamed
Cos I didn't know my body would change
I grew taller than them in more ways
But there will always be the one who will say
Something bad to make them feel great

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you
So are you

People are all the same
And we only get judged by what we do
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
So are you
So are you

Everybody talks bad about somebody
And never realises how it affects somebody
And you bet it won't be forgotten
Envy is the only thing it could be

Cos people are all the same
(The same, the same)
And we only get judged by what we do
(What we do, yeah, yeah)
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
(Yeah, you)
So are you
So are you

People are all the same
(Oh, oh, oh)
And we only get judged by what we do
(What we do, yeah)
Personality reflects name
And if I'm ugly then
(Yeah, so are you)
So are you
So are you

Monday, March 28, 2011

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

The gifts giving went spectacularly well. Dear, did not even suspect a thing until he received his third and final gift yesterday. Re-reading my post from Friday, the clues were in the plain sight. The gifts were in plain sight as well !

So anyways, we had a quiet day in and just snuggled up close. Enjoying each other's company on a day where we got together.

Dear, may we be blessed with many more years together. Thank you for your time, patience and presence. Your kindness and generosity to me are valuable.

You are valuable and irreplaceable.

I *heart* you, many times over !

Friday, March 25, 2011

And The Countdown Begins..

So it started from yesterday. Dear had unfortunately lost a bet and so he had to reveal what he planned to give me for our anniversary gift as the forfeit. Flowers, he said. Recruiting Wawa to suss out the kind of flowers I love was unsuccessful. So the next tactic deployed was just direct questioning and answering.

Of that the answer is in him. From the sun as he was named. So sunflowers were the beauty that captured my heart and eyes. And sunflowers were delivered last night.

Sneaky man.. And I'm glad it was not delivered to work. Enough showboating as it is. Lovely fresh flowers accompanied by Percy the Penguin. My posse of stuffed creatures is increasing!

Thank you, my Darling. Thank you for the flowers, the toy and the lovely message.

Thank you for the surprise! :-D

Monday, March 21, 2011

Brain Dead !!!

Ahhh ....

I cannot think right now. I am counting down the minutes until knock off time. I am not so coherent now because I think I can leave the office.

Packing up my stuff.
Packing up my stuff to leave the office for the day.
Packing up my stuff to leave the office for the day and catch Rango.

Woo-Hoo !!!

Movie night !!!

Woo-Hoo !!!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


Sometimes I feel so omnipotent that what I asked and wished had come true. I feel like I have all the powers in the world to change the course and outcome of things. An immense rush of power trip. The ego boosting and heart pumping stuff.

Then the wishes are failed. Nothing goes the way I expected it to be. I am reminded of how insignificant my hopes and wishes are. How unimportant I am in the grand scheme of things. How little impact I make in the bigger picture.

At times like this, I am thankful for the network of support I get. From my Dear, especially. He had to go through so much hell from me at times. How he had to battle my insecurities and my temper tantrums. How he managed to be the calm and steady presence in my life. The anchor when I feel myself drifting away from human contact.

I love him. I absolutely do.

You asked and here I am saying, I do.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Tax Season

The subject title says it all, eh ?


Monday, March 07, 2011

The Devils came undone

Was it fair play we were looking for all along ? Or did we think we can get through with our status and our great stature of the game? Did we think we can get by with a bit of our loud, noisy Gaffer at the helm all the times ? Maybe we had hoped for a bit of luck. A bit of divine (or not so divine) intervention all this while. We were crap at the game. We didn't exhibit enough hunger to win at all costs. We were cry babies (Waah ! Look, Ref at what he did to my shin !! Waah !!!). We let in silly, silly, gifted goals to this fella with such a weird name (Cute, Quite, Kot, Whatever..). Not just once or twice but freaking three times.

Did we deserve the loss ?

Yes. A big, fat resounding YES !!!

We played like school boys in the back field. We didn't want to win. We didn't go out on all fronts to attack. We were hoping for a stutter by our closest rivals and the Gunners didn't fire. At all. We should have taken the "gift" bestowed by the old Boy and thanked him with a proper whacking of the fake Reds. The Fools as we call them in my circle of Man Unites.

Did we do that ? Did the greatest English Team of the 90's and the first decade of 2000's do that ? Nope. They did not. They played like they were the bottom team. No chance of staying at the top of the table. No chance of winning the title yet again. No chance to go back to the Bird mascoted team and crow with the mightest roar.

Injuries upon injuries were the cause of the seams unravelling. But what about the depth of the squad ? What about the players who would kill to be wearing that famous red shirt? And the players who were given the chance just throw it away. Killed and crushed the dreams of millions of support around the world. What about us ?

Play for the club for once. Play with the passion and dreams of the people who supported you through all ages and all times. Play for us if not your own glory. Feel the priviledge of being a Devil. A Red Devil.

Never come undone. Never compromise. Never stop fighting. For without the fight, we are no more. The club illustrious history will be just a joke at the back pages of the papers. To be used as kitty litter.

Do we give up ? Do we give in ?

No. We will fight. We will support. And when the end comes, we are the truest Reds ever. Get on with the game, lads ! There is more football to fight for !!

Thursday, March 03, 2011

Incomplete - Backstreet Boys

My tune of the week - Dedicated to my Dear !

Tuesday, March 01, 2011

The missing month

Where did my February go ?

It disappeared from the face of my reality. Major upheavals. Positive and negative powers collided into one whole unrecognisable mesh.

Where did my February go ?

*perplexed look*

Friday, January 28, 2011

Praying For Time - George Michael

These are the days of the open hand
They will not be the last
Look around now
These are the days of the beggars and the choosers

This is the year of the hungry man
Whose place is in the past
Hand in hand with ignorance
And legitimate excuses

The rich declare themselves poor
And most of us are not sure
If we have too much
But we'll take our chances
Because God's stopped keeping score
I guess somewhere along the way
He must have let us all out to play
Turned his back and all God's children
Crept out the back door

And it's hard to love, there's so much to hate
Hanging on to hope
When there is no hope to speak of
And the wounded skies above say it's much too late
Well maybe we should all be praying for time

These are the days of the empty hand
Oh you hold on to what you can
And charity is a coat you wear twice a year

This is the year of the guilty man
Your television takes a stand
And you find that what was over there is over here

So you scream from behind your door
Say "what's mine is mine and not yours"
I may have too much but I'll take my chances
Because God's stopped keeping score
And you cling to the things they sold you
Did you cover your eyes when they told you
That he can't come back
Because he has no children to come back for

It's hard to love there's so much to hate
Hanging on to hope when there is no hope to speak of
And the wounded skies above say it's much too late
So maybe we should all be praying for time

This is an absolute classic by Mr. Michael and one of my all time favourite music track. Take a listen and you will realise how seamlessly the vocals fit the melody of the song.

Have a good day and keep praying for time. ;-)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

34 Months Anniversary

The mother lode of anniversary is coming up in 2 short months. 36 months = 3 years.

Wow !

I am amazed that we are going on to the 3 year mark of being together. Short time, long time, depends on the perspective of the persons and the heat of the moment.

Anyways, now is not the time and place yet. I will be waxing lyrical once the time comes, I promise.

So to the Dear, Darling, Sweetheart of mine; Happy Anniversary. I love you!


Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Absolutely, extremely, horrendously, disgustingly and pleasantly bored !!!

*finger gun pointing to right temple*


Friday, January 21, 2011


Having friends opens up your world. Making the effort to connect or re-connect with your friends opens up your world.

Earlier today, Andrew was just saying how he is contacting and re-connecting with his friends over meals, lunch or tea and such. How wonderful it is to meet up with people and to chat over stuff. Shared history and re-bonding sessions just to keep in touch with the people who had crossed your path in your life's journey.

Interactions with other people opens up your world to a whole lot of possibilities and opportunities.

Making friends is the easy part. And we all know that keeping them is the hard part. So friends, in this new year, I am hoping that we can at least meet to chat over a meal or coffee (or tea as Elin would put it).

Hence, I am making the effort to send a teeny, tiny text message to one and all so we can coordinate our time and geographical presence.

Cheers ! :-)

Time of your life

"Another turning point, a fork stuck in the road"

I must choose my road. I must choose my route now. Before I finish one song, I will have to start on another.

"So long, farewell, Auf Wiedersehen, adieu. Adieu, adieu, To you and you and you"


Thursday, January 20, 2011

A simple sorry would have sufficed


I am wrong. I over-reacted. I am the one at fault.

I am sorry.

Why ?

This morning on the way to work, crossing the major roads, instead of waiting for the all clear lanes, I decided to chance on crossing while cars are still whizzing in the other lanes. So I walked slowly in the middle of the road with thoughts and intentions of picking up speed. What happens if I choose to walk faster. Will I make it before the cars cross my path ? Or will I be road kill ?

I wonder if I should have done it.

Things are not going so well. Boyfriend's parents are still not approving of my presence in his life. Our three years are coming up soon. Is this all there is to it ?


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