silentscream Search

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Exam Saturday

As usual, I had succumbed to my favourite weekend duty. Exam invigilation !

This time, it's on for the whole day and it was just CM, me and Eric, the main guy.

After which CM and I went to the Salvation Army next door to check out for any thing worth checking out for ! CM managed to get a couple of things and then we went home to change before going out to get pressies and meeting up with CM's friends for dinner and birthday celebrations for a couple of them.

We went to Kino and Dear got a couple of books and coupled with the cards we bought earlier at Salvation Army, we made our way to the Turkish restaurant in the outskirts of town. Received a call from Elin and we planned to meet later after dinner because she sounded really distressed.

Dinner was good, at least food wise. Service, however was horrendous. Really lacking in attentiveness and promptness. Well, I understand that it was a Saturday night and the crowds do come in hoardes, it doesn't give them the excuse to be brusque with the other patrons. Really, the restaurant just lost my business as even though the food was excellent in taste, texture and presentation, the service staff just left a very bad, lasting after taste.

Initial plan was to just stay for a little while as we were out and about since morning but we ended up staying until the closing time, just chatting and making merry. Eventually, we made our way to meet Elin and decided for coffee and dessert. Chatted for a while and Dear got a bit heated up by some thoughtless youths.

We got into a little tiff, but Dear must be seething inside. Guess, tiredness really had overcame him. Finally we call it a night and made our way home, exhausted. There goes our weekend ! Today, we shall not do anything but rest. Keyword: rest !


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the time spent! love*

-Elin, the chinese gf-