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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Gift for him

I went about town yesterday to get a gift for the Dear one for our anniversary on Thursday. Got home, left it and went out to West Mall to return my library books before meeting him for dinner. We had junk food again ! But the junk food was nice. I went French and he had Italian. Hahaha .. If you hadn't guess it, yes, we went to BK. I love the French chicken sandwich ! Gimme, gimme more. Writing about it is causing me to produce additional saliva. Hahaha ... It is breakfast time, anyways. :-)

On the way back, I asked Dear if he wanted his gift now or on the day itself. He said now so I had to make him "work for it". Gave him clues as to where the item was. He had a bit of a hard time looking for it in plain sight !

When he unwrapped it finally, I am just glad he liked them ! Thanks, Babe ! I love you, mostest !


Salwa Asri said...

Happy Anniversary to both of you ya!

MizBGot10 said...

Thanks, Sis ! :-)