silentscream Search

Friday, January 21, 2011


Having friends opens up your world. Making the effort to connect or re-connect with your friends opens up your world.

Earlier today, Andrew was just saying how he is contacting and re-connecting with his friends over meals, lunch or tea and such. How wonderful it is to meet up with people and to chat over stuff. Shared history and re-bonding sessions just to keep in touch with the people who had crossed your path in your life's journey.

Interactions with other people opens up your world to a whole lot of possibilities and opportunities.

Making friends is the easy part. And we all know that keeping them is the hard part. So friends, in this new year, I am hoping that we can at least meet to chat over a meal or coffee (or tea as Elin would put it).

Hence, I am making the effort to send a teeny, tiny text message to one and all so we can coordinate our time and geographical presence.

Cheers ! :-)

1 comment:

alexisce said...

we can meet over sushi now! haha