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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Lie In Sunday

I had always had plans to spend my weekends outdoors, doing outdoorsy type of things. But every weekend will pass by and I will stuck at home (by choice, mind you), watching the telly. The Big, Bad Telly !

The only outdoorsy things I get to do each weekend is hanging the laundry out if and when the weather permits. And sweeping the corridor outside the flat and tend to my pretty plants. Technically speaking, not my flat nor my plants. But I have grown to love them. The way they flourish when you water them daily, how I help the gotukola wound itself round the pot because it is a vine like plant and most of the time back in Sri Lanka, the plant grow free on the ground.

There was once when the plants I took care flourished so much that we had decided to use it as one of our dishes. It made me sad to have to retard and disrupt their growth but the plants were grown to be eaten and if they were not harvested, the leaves will turn yellow and die anyways. Although I was a bit cautious of eating the plants, once they were cooked, they seemed edible enough. So far, nothing had happened to us.

And so, my weekends are usually spent on the QT and being "housewifey". Sometimes it gets difficult because Dear tries his best to wriggle out of the chores and then the nagging starts. Haha.. Just like an old married couple.

Anyways, gotta hit the bed soon. Dear is calling me now. Ta ! :-)

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