silentscream Search

Thursday, October 20, 2011

I am at a better place

When I think of where I was last year at this time, I didn't think I could have a great work place and a supportive Boss. Where I was last year at this time, I had just settled down after a painful couple of months starting over at a new place. Ian was on hand. Elin had come on board and I had friends. I had people who can commiserate and understand how things work there.

Now. I am settling down again. I have friends who are only a phone call away. I have colleagues whom I had finally allowed to see some of the real me. I have a boss whom I can work for without having to question my conscience and morality every day.

What a difference a whole year make !

I really, really enjoy my work and the kids. I didn't even mind that much the lapses in service and grief the IT department had given me earlier. I am also so darn glad that I do not have some know-it-all trying to micromanage the way I work.

Thank you for giving me the strength to move forward. Thank you for giving me a chance to face the fear  of change.

Peace, out.

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