silentscream Search

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

First Aid Training Course

I'm onto my third and final day of the course.

As advised, it will end with an assessment, practical and theory. Currently, I am panicking because I think my practical is kinda sucky. I can't tie a proper reef knot. I always lose count when I do the CPR on the mannequin. I can't figure out the correct side to start an elevation sling !

The trainer had said that it will be so difficult to fail but I think I may be the first candidate to do so ! Hahaha... Hopefully, HR doesn't make me pay for the course when I flunk it ! :-P

Anyways, gotta go through the text again. AT least I can try to pass the theory portion of it. But what are the 3Ps, 4Cs & RICE ???


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