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Monday, March 07, 2011

The Devils came undone

Was it fair play we were looking for all along ? Or did we think we can get through with our status and our great stature of the game? Did we think we can get by with a bit of our loud, noisy Gaffer at the helm all the times ? Maybe we had hoped for a bit of luck. A bit of divine (or not so divine) intervention all this while. We were crap at the game. We didn't exhibit enough hunger to win at all costs. We were cry babies (Waah ! Look, Ref at what he did to my shin !! Waah !!!). We let in silly, silly, gifted goals to this fella with such a weird name (Cute, Quite, Kot, Whatever..). Not just once or twice but freaking three times.

Did we deserve the loss ?

Yes. A big, fat resounding YES !!!

We played like school boys in the back field. We didn't want to win. We didn't go out on all fronts to attack. We were hoping for a stutter by our closest rivals and the Gunners didn't fire. At all. We should have taken the "gift" bestowed by the old Boy and thanked him with a proper whacking of the fake Reds. The Fools as we call them in my circle of Man Unites.

Did we do that ? Did the greatest English Team of the 90's and the first decade of 2000's do that ? Nope. They did not. They played like they were the bottom team. No chance of staying at the top of the table. No chance of winning the title yet again. No chance to go back to the Bird mascoted team and crow with the mightest roar.

Injuries upon injuries were the cause of the seams unravelling. But what about the depth of the squad ? What about the players who would kill to be wearing that famous red shirt? And the players who were given the chance just throw it away. Killed and crushed the dreams of millions of support around the world. What about us ?

Play for the club for once. Play with the passion and dreams of the people who supported you through all ages and all times. Play for us if not your own glory. Feel the priviledge of being a Devil. A Red Devil.

Never come undone. Never compromise. Never stop fighting. For without the fight, we are no more. The club illustrious history will be just a joke at the back pages of the papers. To be used as kitty litter.

Do we give up ? Do we give in ?

No. We will fight. We will support. And when the end comes, we are the truest Reds ever. Get on with the game, lads ! There is more football to fight for !!

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