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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Stuffed Jalapenos

I'm sleepy.

Woke up super early this morning. Went to KFC for breakfast and tried the blueberry pancakes. Quite lovely. Wish there were more berries in the cakes, though. Heh. Dear was also quite keen in getting the Samsung Galaxy Tab after we stopped by the Samsung roadshow after my visit to the Singtelshop.

Sheets of rain fell in the afternoon today. Hence we cancelled the plans to go home for a free lunch. Instead we stayed in and played Fifa 2004 and Midtown Madness 2. I downloaded and installed the new Angry Birds Rio. Naturally I got addicted and used up all my phone battery charge. Ah wells..

We skipped lunch and had dinner straight. New item to try on the Botak's Favourites menu. Stuffed jalapenos! Coated jalapenos stuffed with cheese eaten with a tartar sauce dip. Spicy! Yummy! Try it! :-D

I'm sleepy.. *yawns*

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