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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Flu Bug!

I'd been bitten. Nose is blocked and the throat is scratchy. I've been having the symptoms for the past few days. Body aches and loss of appetite. All thanks to a "dearest" colleague. She had lost her voice for two days and yet she still refused to take a day off to recuperate. This resulted in another colleague being on medical leave last Thursday. Where is the social care and civic-mindedness of people like my "dearest" colleague?

Now I'm worried for my youngest niece. She, who is with a weakened immune system was hanging out at my place for the past couple of days. It will be much of a hassle for my sister if her daughter should fall ill. GRRRR..

I shoulda stayed away from home whilst I'm sick but I do want to see my Ma and was hoping for nice home cooked meals.

Ah wells. If I'm no better tomorrow, I'll pop by the doctor's and get some medication. Although that option will blow my chance of popping by the blood bank this weekend. Hopefully I'll get better soon without the need of additional meds. *fingers crossed*

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