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Monday, April 18, 2011

Friends are Friends

I must admit I do not make friends easily. I am easy to get along with but I am not easy to be friends with. Ask any of my friends if they had been at the brunt end of my nasty temper. Better yet, ask the Boyfriend. He was a great pal. But he is a wonderful Boyfriend.

So today, with some time on my hands and with the work internet connection being down, I had decided to text a few people I had not kept in touch in quite a while.

There was Charlotte, an ex-colleague who was great when the chips were down a year ago. And then there was Mariam, a good time pal/Sis. Also not forgetting Jasline, my wonderful, positive thinking "Da-Jie". My BFF from sec school, Shaheeda, who is a teacher now (*gasps*). And my Cuz, Ju who is truly, truly a joy to talk to.

It was great fun texting them over the few hours today. Some replied almost immediately, while others took a bit of time to text a message back. No matter, I thank you guys who are my friends. Be it now or then. Thank you for the companionship when I didn't even think I needed it.

My friends, I remember you when you gave me that time to get to know you. I am grateful and thankful for the fact you made me a friend.

Cheers ! To all the friends you have out there, remember that they are friends for a reason. The reason being you !

Happy Friendship Day !

P/S: I know that today is NOT the official Friendship Day but why should we abide by a specific date when any day can be designated as a Friendship Day to celebrate your friends and the ties they bind ! :-)

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