silentscream Search

Friday, April 15, 2011


I went on a date tonight.

Right now, we are having coffee and a natter at CoffeeBean. We decided to have dinner later after a walk just to get to know one another. He held my hand as we were walking and crossing the roads. I clung to his arm while avoiding the big wet puddles of water on the pavement.

We couldn't decide where to go for dinner initially. So, after much discussion of the food places, we decided to have Japanese. Before we had our dinner, we popped over to the library for a bit. Another way of getting to know each other. Our likes and dislikes of fiction and/or non-fiction reads.

Dinner was nice affair. We had ramen and udon each and shared some sushi and sashimi. Turns out to be a big fav, Japanese food. He suggested a movie after dinner was done but I decided we should have coffee and chat just to get to know each other even better.

Hahaha. And here I am blogging about the date that was not done yet! Anyways. I will keep you posted on how the date will end tonight. Maybe a tiny peck on the cheek? *winks*

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