silentscream Search

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Updates and thank you notes

It's a pass. Hollow pass and all.

I'm sorry for the scare yesterday. To Younger Sister and Cheeky Monkey, thank you for your words of encouragement and understanding. Sometimes, I just needed a venting outlet. More often than not, putting it down in black and white helps me gain perspective.

Trust me when I say I would not do anything stupid. I love my life too much to end it suddenly. Unless of course it's time for me to go, that is.

I'm done with the surveillance audit. Two minor non conformities and three observations were picked up at the end of the full day audit. Thank you all for your support. D, R, Jeff, Ellen, Ian, Mr A, Stephen, Rakesh and Mitch. I must include you guys in my thank you speech. I don't think I could have maintained my sanity and composure without the extra help from behind. Thank you, again.

I'd just finished dinner with CM at his place. Played a bit of squash earlier on, my first time. Well, aside from looking like a berk in front of my dearest, I had a good time learning a new ball game. Thanks, honey.

Right then. I should head back soon. Spending a bit more time with my honey. We both were kinda down these couple of days. I'm trying my best to encourange my darling to not give up on us. Well, in a way by encouraging him, I am encouraging myself to not give up. We will fight the good fight as long as the love is within our grasp.

My readers, I love you guys. Do drop me a line or two whenever you can.



Salwa Asri said...

HeLLo sis.... Glad that to hear that you are not doing anything FOOLISH. I know that you cld treasure yr life. We LOVE U so much. Bear in mind that if u need someone to talk to, i wld always be there for u. As i say, in relationship, we need to scarified alot. Not easy to fall in love & sometimes we are being hurt. There is a up & downs in our LIVES.

I hope & wish & pray for the best for u & CM. As for his dad, u pray to GOd that one fine day, his dad heart wld soften and accept u as what u are. Don't let go or give up easily. Fight the battle to the end. I am sure CM wld do the same just to hold this on.

Wish u all the best sis! Take care & update me at yr side ya! *HEART YOU*

Anonymous said...

really all I can say is... the harder you are trying to hold a bar of soap, the harder it is to hold it. Don't change your life too much.. from the way it was. The more u want something, the less tight u shd hold it.

u know who